Expatriate life and attitudes

in hive-111300 •  4 months ago 

A person who spends his life in exile faces new challenges every day. Being out of the country has hardships, but it builds a mental strength. Even if the expatriate wants to return home, the expatriate experience does not leave him completely, as it remains an important part of his life.


Time spent abroad teaches you to look at life in a new way. The experience gained in adapting to a new country, new culture and language, makes our mind more tolerant. Friendships formed over time as expats, special days spent there, and memories made in a foreign environment touch our hearts deeply.

Expatriates often live with the hope of returning home, as they want to spend time with family on home soil. But the reality is that once you live in an expatriate, there is a lot of adjustment to that lifestyle, and the memories of the expatriate stay in your mind even after you return. This feeling is like a conflict where we want to leave the exile, but the exile never completely disappears from our lives.


The last line of this article could be: "The expatriate experience remains with us forever; it is embedded as an invisible part of our life and consciousness.

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