Hot News Contest 26 | Tools For My Work

in hive-111300 •  2 years ago  (edited)


The Multimeter

I am a technician and often introduce myself as Tech Support. I make sure computers and ICT facilities are in good working condition. My job requires a good understanding of electricity, electronics, software and hardware minimum requirements and most importantly the knowledge of systematic troubleshooting of faulty devices and facilities.

What is your daily work, briefly tell the beginning and end of the work routine.

On getting to the workshop, works starts as I continue with the troubleshooting I did not finish the pervious day or a new troubleshooting task that was assigned to start.
The fault may be a failed power supply unit, a triped off circuit breaker, a wall socket or a blown fuse. I have to analyze and outline a list of reasons for the fault then systematically eliminate them one after the other till I finally identify the real problem. Sometimes the solution needs a reset, an adjustment or a replacement of faulty components.

What tools do you use to facilitate the work?

To effectively troubleshoot faulty devices, equipment and facilities I use a wide range of tools. The table below shows some of the basic tools I use.

MultimeterTest electrical and electronic quantities
Screw driversTight and lose various screws
Precision set For special screws
Soldering ironRemove or insert soldered components
pliers/cutter To hold, cut and peel cables
The most important tools you need and explain what they do for your job.

photostudio_1688992821216.jpga digital multimeter

Though In my line of work one tool can not truly clame to be the most important, for the sake of this post I will pick the Multimeter.
Multimeters are battery powered devices used for testing a number of electrical and electronic quantities like , voltage, current in Amps and Milli-amps, continuity, transistor gain and resistance. Because they can test for a large number of quantities, that is why they are called Multimeter.
There are a few situations I prefere using an analog multimeter to take mesurment.

  • Testing electronic components
    When working in a faulty power unit I need to look for the faulty electronic components and the multimeter is good at spotting them out.

  • Do we have power here?
    When this question comes up, When we can't tell or will want to know if an outlet is suppling power, the multimeter will help answer the question

  • How much power is supplied
    At some point the power is on but decives are not turning on and I have to test if the supplied voltage is enough and that is the job of a multimeter.

photostudio_1688993547607.jpgan analog multimeter

What happens when there is no multimeter to use.

If the multimeter is not available, there is hardly any good substitute for it. It can not be replaced with other equipment. If you are called out to trace a fault and you forgot to pick it along, it is best to go back for it, else the work will be a lot more defficult.
Both electrical and electronic quantities are not visible to the naked eyes making the multimeter our eyes and ears when working. It's like and extension of our senses.

If there is a tool that is better than the most important tool you are using right now

An oscilloscope is the only tool that would provide a better user experience when compared to a multimeter but oscilloscopes are not as portable as multimeter. And are not a perfect replacement.
The only thing that can be done is to go for a higher grade multimeter like fluk, hioki, Klein and so on.

what and how you want it to work.

This industry seem not to have a dream for something better yet. The existing multimeter seem to do so well that I have not conceptualized any thing better to replace it with.


Photo Credit
Photography by@manuelhooks
Edited withPhotoStudio app
Cropping withremovebg

I will love the following Steemians to participate in this contest @udyliciouz @fonnydanny
@bela90 @gwillchrist @oasiskp
Contest link


#hotnewscontest26 #steemexclusive
#club100 #tool #learnwithsteem
#nigeria #lifestyle

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Good post and I get useful information from your post Sir, something related to the hardware of a technology.

The functions of the Multimeter tell me very well, I'm sure you are quite an expert in this area. Hopefully, everything you do with the tool can help your skills.

I say many thanks for your participation Mr. @manuelhooks, good luck with any form of your participation.

The multimeter is a very wonderful and unique tool sir, it can't be replaced if is not available for some time.

Just like we barbers with clippers, for now I don't think there's anything that can be used in place of clippers.

I wish you good luck in this contest.