Hello fellow Nigerians how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you are all enjoying your day today I will be taking part in an amazing topic
"Looks can be deceptive"
It is better for you should judge book by it cover, because some people by the main look at them you have know what they are capable of.
When I started growing my parents always give me a guide that Show me ur friend and I will tell you who you are,Some people normally believe without them people can't do anything and also without them the event will not take place,What are they call?
A friend of mine in school,Came to school since January 2022and never attended a class for one day but everytime you will see him with different different girls, how will you call him, Some people normally don't have the zeal to do anything they just believe on free life..
It is better you judge the book before opening it, because if you don't, you will regret everything, Some believe might believe nothing good can come out from Mr A but at the end of the day Mr A will become the richest man in the world,it because Mr A change and also stop this character that he is doing before, because he has seen it that nothing good can come out with this his bad character,that why he stop.
Some people will not stop they will even find more bad character to join..
You might see someone who is devoted to God in everyway,that people should have say much good about him,And even expected good thing from the person in future,At the end you will see the person change he might even join cult and even see all the bad act in this world with him......
Short story about what I have experience,I have a very good friend of mine,we started the primary school together and even secondary school I normally tell him my secret and also take him as my blood,But when this guy change towards me,I was like how manage,I don't believe you can't change like this,the secret I told him started working around the community, Anywhere I enter I enter with shame because everyone has hear what they are not supposed to hear...
I didn't judge him I taught everything was safe with him until when make it to everyone hear😭😭😭.
My advice to everyone is that judge book by it cover and also be careful of those You call ur friend because friends are the fastest killer.
Thanks for reading 🙏🙏