Hello @seeger, thank you for your great input. Guitar is such a great instrument for music and Country Music is what i call a sweet part of life.
Cheering people up with my music will be a great thing, thank you.
That was a great Comment from you and that Comment also initiate engagement which is the main aim of this program.
A little observation
I noticed you are not a verified User and as Such it is wise to be verified.
I have also seen a noticed from one of the Community advising you to consider getting verrified and your response.
Avoiding getting verified CAN only spearhead your account to be highlighted as a Suspicious account and under watch which i know, it is right now, and that may not earn you any good incentives.
And if you ask me...i will say that You are not a New User in the blog, So get off the Mask and do the right thing.
My little advice to you is Listen to instructions here , follow it and Succeed.