The Interview Showcase #107 - Exclusive Talk with an Argentinian Steem blogger

in hive-111300 •  7 months ago 

Hello people of Steem and Steemit,

It's a new week, welcome to the 107th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 31st show for 2024.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

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@bellana's property

This week, I had a very good time with @bellana from Venezuela but currently living in Argentina. For the sake of this interview, I will address her as an Argentinian.She happens to be one of the active Steemian from that zone. A senior technician in tax administration working in the world of technology.

: Hi Anabella, it's a pleasure to have you in my program... How would you describe yourself to the users who don't know you?

🔶Bellana : The pleasure is mine and I am grateful for the opportunity, I am simply a woman who loves God, enjoys daily life with her family and loved ones.

: How did you get to know the Steemit platform and why did you join?

🔶Bellana : I learned about the Ecosystem thanks to @graceleon who taught me and supported me. I joined because I liked the idea of having a place to show my pictures and receive rewards for it.

: What is your profession in real life?

🔶Bellana : I am a Senior Technician in Tax Administration and I am currently working in the world of technology, training as a Manual QA Tester and Salesforce Administrator.

: How can you use your profession to transmit some values in Steemit's blog?

🔶Bellana : I always try to bring values in my publications, such as transparency, ethics and honesty, among others.

: Has work ever made you leave your country and how was the experience?

🔶Bellana : We decided to emigrate to Argentina seven years ago, not for work reasons, but because unfortunately we were unable to find opportunities for growth in our country. It was a difficult decision, but necessary to seek new opportunities for our development.

My experience with migration has been very satisfactory. Although at the beginning we faced difficulties and the process of “starting over” was not easy, we understood that in order to prosper in the new country that welcomed us, it was necessary to make an effort and fight with determination to reach our goals.

: Recently, the Steemit team introduced the “teaching” program, do you think the community is responding well to it?

🔶Bellana : I think the teaching program is great because it is a great contribution for everyone in the ecosystem, generating valuable content.

: If you had to form a teaching team, what would you teach?

🔶Bellana : I would like to teach with a team about basic management principles that can be applied at home.

: If you could travel anywhere in the world that you have not yet been, where would it be?

🔶Bellana : I would love to visit Italy, to be able to appreciate Michelangelo's works of art and delight myself observing every detail of the Sistine Chapel, besides tasting all the gastronomy that this beautiful country has.

: What is your biggest pet peeve?

🔶Bellana : My greatest concern is the suffering of children who have been abandoned by their parents, who, through no fault of their own, suffer the consequences of not being loved and longed for.

: Surfering itself is heartbreaking!

: What is your favorite song?

🔶Bellana : Your Fidelity-Marcos Witt

: Have you heard any African music before?

🔶Bellana : Yes, although very little, I liked it because it is cheerful and full of energy.

: Here you go...

: Outside the blockchain world, what are your hobbies/interests?

🔶Bellana : I enjoy walking and seeing new places like museums, parks, among others.

: Which Steemit blog entertains you the most?

🔶Bellana : I'm a photography fan so wherever there are good images I'll be there taking a look. I enjoy reading various authors like: @hospitality @patjewell @dove11 @rmm31 @creacionesmayi @vasc0 among others.

: Which user would you like me to interview on my show and why?

🔶Bellana : I would like you to interview @ciru2014 because she is a creative, funny, daring woman, capable of making you smile in a unique way.

: If you were to operate the biggest curator account, what would you keep in mind and what would you avoid?

🔶Bellana : I would avoid lack of quality as well as repetitive posts and keep a focus on originality and creativity.

: If you were to turn back the hands of time, what event in your life would you like to see happen again?

🔶Bellana : I think that everything I've lived through has led me to be the mature woman I am now, so everything I've lived through, even the difficult and painful ones, has helped me for the better.

: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

🔶Bellana : I see myself teaching and helping others, fulfilling dreams and enjoying the goals achieved.

: What is the hardest thing you have tried to learn?

🔶Bellana : The hardest thing I have tried to learn was Calculus in college, which brought me moments of frustration.

: Do you have any message for the steemit team?

🔶Bellana : I appreciate all the support they have given me, for offering a space where we can express ourselves and our content is valued.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

🔶Bellana : I like being able to know a little more about Steemians, their interests, tastes and ways of thinking, so of course it should continue.. Thank you so much for this opportunity, I really appreciate.

: Thank you very much Anabella for your time, it was nice to have you on my show.

To my audience

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

The Previous Shows:

Click here to read my previous Shows..

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This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

Vaya! Has entrevistado a una de mis personas favoritas en todo el mundo, Anabella o como la conocemos en el mundo de steemit @bellana es una mujer integra, intachable y ejemplo a seguir... Merecedora de todas las cosas lindas que le suceden,
Que bonito que la puedan conocer a través de tu programa de entrevistas @ubongudofot
Bendiciones para todos!

It was my pleasure. Thanks for all your assistance.

Some day, I'll talk about the asistance you render concerning the interview showcase.

Thank you for mentioning my name.🎕
It warms my heart when I read that people enjoy my posts.

Esta entrevista con @bellana es realmente inspiradora.

Su viaje desde Venezuela a Argentina, su dedicación a Steemit y su pasión por la fotografía y la enseñanza son admirables.

Es conmovedor ver cómo valora la transparencia, la ética y la honestidad en sus publicaciones. Su interés en ayudar a los demás y sus sueños para el futuro reflejan su espíritu resiliente.

Me encantó especialmente su deseo de visitar Italia y su preocupación por los niños abandonados, lo que muestra su profundidad de carácter. Gracias, @ubongudofot, por traernos historias tan enriquecedoras.

¡Sigue con el excelente trabajo y espero con ansias el próximo showcase, hermano! 👏👏👏👏

Wow Querido Amigo! Me emociono mucho leer sus lindas palabras para mi 💗

Estoy muy agradecida de conocerles y hacer con ustedes Equipo.

Gracias 😊

It was a pleasure to have such a great interaction with Anabella!
Thanks for reading.

Hola @bellana me hiciste sonrojar gracias por tan lindas palabras hacia a mi, cada frase te define y eres increíble, un ser maravilloso, siempre estas para guiarme gracias de todo corazón un gran abrazo y se que eres una persona que ama las fotografías y conocer muchos lugares.

Excelente entrevista felicitaciones 👏 gracias @ubongudofot por cada entrevista a los usuarios y darnos a conocer en esta gran plataforma de Steemit.

Bendiciones y exitos 💕

Thank you for reading, I'm glad this was useful.

N/B: Check your WhatsApp message

Exelente entrevista, @bellana es una steemian muy integral, maravillosa persona y compañera que Dios me ha dado el placer de compartir con ella y conocerla a través de este ecosistema 🤗

Amiga te deseo todo el éxito del mundo 😊

Que Linda!!! Muchisimas Gracias por tus palabras🥰

Para mi un gusto hacer contigo Equipo!

Thanks, @bellana for mentioning me in your interview. That's a great honor to me if you like my photography 👍🎉I wish you all the best in your future ventures on this website,

Thank you very much for your words 😊 I also wish for you.

Muchas gracias amiga por tener en cuenta mi blog.

Excelente entrevista y gran Blogger!!

Me gusta poder conocer Argentina desde el lente de tu camara 😀

Hola amiga @bellana.

Fue muy grato leer en esta entrevista una breve reseña de tu vida, gustos, profesión y visión en tu vida y Steemit.

Gracias por tu mención, me siento alargado por ello y a la vez motivado para seguir creando contenido atractivo y útil para los demás.


Los tutoriales que realizas son muy enriquecedores 😊 es un gusto tenerte en la plataforma.

My most sincere thanks for the report you did about me. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this project.

I hope you like to know a little more about me 😊


Guaooooo excelente entrevista amigo.
Es un honor para mí saber que a la entrevistada🤗 (Bellana) le gusta visitar post como los míos.
Les deseo muchos éxitos y bendiciones.🤗👍