"Citizenship is Permanent".

in hive-111300 •  6 months ago 


Good day my fellow steemians how is your day going, what about your weekend I hope it went well, so it's another time to blog in the hot news community on their ongoing contest from @saintkelvin17. So this very topic citizenship I believe not only me knows what citizenship means because we have been learning it in school those days I was still schooling, we learnt it both in senior secondary, junior secondary and also primary schools. So I will like to start making attempts on the very questions that are listed out here.

Share your understanding on Citizenship.

So according to my understanding on the definition of citizenship;
Citizenship: This can be defined as the legal right obtained by an individual for belonging to a particular country.

Most times we always ask ourself that, is there any difference between "citizen and citizenship"
So I will like to also give my own opinion by telling you my fellow steemians the meaning of citizen, so that you can now comapre and check whether they two (citizen and citizenship) are the same thing.

Citizen: This can also be defined as someone who legally belong to a country and also have the full right and protection of that country. So let me just bring out something from the two definition, let me see if it can help us identify weather they are different things or not.

legal right obtained by an individual for belonging to a particular country.someone who legally belong to a country and also have the full right and protection of that country.
How can one become a citizen of a country? Explain one way.


There are so many different ways to become a citizen of a country but I will not going to list it I will just pick one and explain as the question instructed and also expected.

The one way I will like to share with you on how to become a citizen of a country is by birth.
There is what we call citizen by birth; You can become a citizen of a country by birth for instance, your were gave birth to a particular country maybe Nigeria or USA or any other country, because you were given birth there you are highly recognized and have gained all the rights and protections of that very country and you are free to do all things as a citizen you are.

Explain 3 duties of a citizen.

There are many duties and also rights a citizen of a particular country have so here are some of them.

Child Education

Child education: It is most especially the duties of a parent to train their child in school as he or she have the right to be trained academically as a citizen. So it's not a good thing for a child not to be educated both in the school and at home cause I believe well that we also learn from house and not only in the school, meanwhile we learn so home activities manners from our parents and so many more while we learn some other things in school by our teachers.

Tax: This is also the duty of a citizen to pay their legal tax to the government.
As we all know that a tax is a compulsory payment made by the individuals to the government. So it is compulsory for all cotizens to pay their tax whether direct or indirect tax, for a specific purpose.

Patriots: A Patriot person we can say it's someone who is willing to defend and represent their country or organization.
So meanwhile it is also the work or duty of a citizen to represent their country and also defend their country in any way they can. Not only that and also help to see the country is moving well or help to keep the country clean and tidy in their various different state.

Steemians are citizens of steemit, what makes someone a steemian?

Yes of course steemians are citizens of steemit, because of the are the member of the steemit platform and have every right and protections of the platform.

Like for instance:

  1. The have the right to blog on any community of their choice.

  2. They also have the right to vote or receive vote and comment in any post the see in any community,

  3. The have the right to interact with steemians all over the world.

  4. The have the right the join any community of their choice. And so many many many more legal activities in the platform called steemit.

So you see steemians have all of this rights because the are citizens of the platform called steemit because someone that is not a steemian cannot do all those things because they don't know or have those rights to do so.



I swear that I really enjoyed this very contest, I thank God that I didn't miss it and kudos to @saintkelvin17 for bringing this very topic up I like it and can't wait to see such topic that I will enjoy participating and dropping my entry here on this very community called #hot news communtiy.
Special mentions to:

@xkhool, @simonnwigwe, @bossj23, @ninapenda @disconnect @ngoenyi @goodybest @saintkelvin17 @ihorgic, @josepha
So many other steemians

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