Get after it knucklehead

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

I've always had a high work-rate; I mean in respect of most aspects of life. I don't just work hard at my job, apply myself and all the elements that bring true productivity, although that's part of it. More that I operate at a high-level from an emotional perspective as well, energy-levels and the amount of ownership and responsibility I apply to what I do, and more importantly, myself. Ownership and responsibility, otherwise known as getting after it is a condition I mostly apply and I gain results commensurate to my efforts. Oh yes, reward for effort is also something I value.


I wrote a post yesterday about feeling a little flat and received some really nice comments from it; Not just in respect of me, but in respect of the commenters also. It was nice to see a few feel comfortable to open up and share a little of themselves. Passion and personality is something I value.

Today is like most others in that I woke up, got ready for work then proceeded through my day to right now, lunch time. It was just a little different though because I sat outside my house prior to heading off to work and had a cup of tea; This is not something I would usually do as I'm often up, dressed and gone fairly rapidly. I wanted to take a moment though. I decided to capture it too, the image you see below, taken in between sips of my tea, rooibos tea, from South Africa as it turns out. It was a rooibos kind of morning.

Fast forward several hours and I'm having lunch after a very productive morning: Two client-meetings, two team one-on-one's, twenty or so phone calls and some CRM work. Legit morning, and one could certainly say I got after it. Now...Lunch time and me time.

I've always been that guy who cares. I'm not being egotistical, just truthful. I have a protective nature and one that is able to show generosity, even at my own expense I suppose too. I remember my mum telling me that as a little kid when raiding the cookie jar or thieving food from the refrigerator I'd often get caught. I'd linger too long, make one too many raids...The reason? Because I had to get one for my brother, go back to make sure he had one, or I'd bring his and have to go back for my own. It just felt normal.

In my later life I've been the same...Often putting myself out there for others and accepting the consequences and you know what? I like that about myself...Yeah, I know, I found something to like about me. The problem is that sometimes I'd neglect myself in deference to others and that's not a good thing. I love my protective nature, the fact that I can be the shield for those I value and who need it...But I cannot be that if I am not strong within myself. So I work hard to find time for me...Self-care time I guess you could say.

It takes various shapes and forms but during the week it's often my lunch break when I come to a café, eat, have a coffee and plug into myself. I'm here right now having lunch.

The time I find to plug into myself is very important to me, just like the walking I've been doing recently; It supports me, like a foundation that the rest of me is built upon. It helps me be all of those other things I need to be, some of which is just an act, a charade I play out for money to support the rest of my life. But there's a lot of me that is real and not a charade, the real-life-me that only a few will ever truly see. I sometimes like that person and this morning was one of those times...Hence the photo to document it.

I'm a bit of a knucklehead to be honest with you; I'm not especially intelligent, good-looking, strong, funny, talented, skilled or whatever...I'm just a fairly average sort of human. Nondescript. I will only ever be what I am commensurate to how I think, feel and act though and that brings me back to ownership and responsibility to, getting after it.

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Good read. Not everyone can acknowledge the beauty in the simple, mundane things that most of us face. Hustle culture forces everyone to do great or to be the best, but sometimes, there's more happiness in being a knucklehead and getting things done. Cheers!