Girl From Nowhere (2018) Tv Show Review

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

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It was in 2018 when Netflix released this cool Thai rv show full of intrigue, action, suspense, psychological horror and many other elements that together are capable of creating a whirlwind of emotions and mixed feelings within us, it will make us reconsider if the things we do in our life, the rules that govern us and everything that surrounds us could not be good, all of it being a huge illusion capable of collapsing in a moment of crisis.

The world today is only a facet, people only appear to be something that they really are not, some simply to look good to the eyes of society and others only do it to comply with the laws that society itself has imposed, however, there are times when those who impose these laws do not even comply with them but undermine the integrity of others by enforcing them at all costs.

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Chicha Amatayakul is in charge of giving life to the character of Nano, our protagonist, she always presents herself as a new student who arrives at different schools always to unmask people in order to show their true self, either by encouraging them or accusing them to see up to where they could go, however, Nano is not an ordinary girl, on many occasions we will see that she is a person incapable of dying, but until now it is not detailed if she is a ghost, a being from another dimension or just a girl with special abilities.

The tv show was produced by GMM Grammy, it had a single season of 13 chapters but due to its great success, a second season of 8 chapters was filmed, which was released in May 2021 by Netflix. The conception of this tv show was quite special, it reflected a lot of dedication, effort and affection at such extreme levels that each chapter had a different director so that viewers felt that each chapter is totally different, the plot presented in each of the chapters is quite varied, so the genres present in this work are diverse such as fantasy, horror, crime, mystery, fantasy, gore, supernatural and many more.

Having finished the first season of this tv show I can say that it is actually very good, the performance of each of the characters is well achieved, the settings or environments in which Girl From Nowhere takes place are pretty normal but at the same time it denotes the atmosphere that is capable of fully introducing us into the story, each chapter has its own personality so we will not feel at all that we are repeating the same stories and finally, the soundtrack is very cool too, being able to transmit the mystery and suspense that lies within the work.

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Very interesting. I will try to watch this TV show. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for taking your time and reading the review, greetings :)

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