TrollHunters: Rise of the Titans (2021) Review

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 



I was able to watch TrollHunters: Rise of the Titans yesterday, in order to watch this movie, you have to watch the tv show available on Netlifx, I had no idea about that, so you can imagine my confusion in the first minutes of the movie, however, I have to say that said confusion disppeared a while ago, the movie can work as a stand-alone, but don´t get me wrong, it´s way better to watch the tv show first, don´t watch the movie the same way as I did. Anyways, I had mixed thoughts watching, there are things that I liked and things I didn´t like so much, let´s talk about it.

TrollHunters: Rise of the Titans is a film that gives a closure to the whole tv show with the name TrollHunters: Tales of Arcadia or that´s what I got to understand, correct me if I´m wrong please, the franchise is created by Guillermo Del Toro, you might know him because of his works on the cinema like Hellboy or The Shape of Water. This film was already released a few days ago thanks to Netflix, so it´s available to watch whenever you want. In short words, TrollHunters: Rise of the Titans is about the protagonist which is a troll hunter -duh- but he lost his powers and in the worst time since these big titans we´ll awake and destroy everything on the planet, he´s supposed to be the one that will stop everything but he doesn´t have any power at all now, so they´ll have to find a way out how to survive.

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I think I can´t say too much since I haven´t watch the tv show, I don´t know many things about the franchise but I´d like to add a few things anyway. First, I have to mention that I liked, even if there was so much I didn´t know, the movie is understandable, of course it´s always better to watch the tv show first, that´s what you should do, but if you are clueless like me you can watch it anyways.

The story is interesting and cool, there is no worldbuilding since that is what the tv show is for, so if you haven´t watched the tv show yet, you will lose a lot of details and most probably the beginning will get confusing, but for the rest is cool, the film also has its typical acts, beginning from the smallest until it gets to the highest, each of these acts are full of action with some pretty good choreography, plus we can see the characters interact with each other due to the dilemma of how to save the world without the Trollhunter, watching different facets of them which is interesting.

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The movie is made in CGI and it looks quite good, it is of a quite outstanding quality with many colors and so on, the character design is also very competent, I would like to mention the design of the titans who look very good, I feel that their design was very creative. The film is not a Disney or Pixar production, however, it looks great in its visuals, I have no complaints about it.

Regarding the characters, I like how the protagonist's arc is carried out, you can feel his frustration throughthe film and how he has lost all confidence in himself without that amulet that gave him powers, the film tries to give a message that the only thing that matters about being a hero is that you have confidence and believe in yourself. If we talk about other characters, I have to say that at this point the film falters and a lot, since only the protagonist shines, other characters are only to be comedy relief and even if they are important, their importance is minimal and they will be eclipsed by the arc of the protagonist.



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