in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

Today, there are so many unclean spirits (demons) on rampage and many diseases ravaging the world. Each of us is called to contribute our share in casting out these unclean spirits and healing these diseases (maybe, not all of them but some). Each of us, in a way, is called, given authority over those unclean spirits, and then sent. On our part, we retain the freedom to accept the responsibility such a mandate puts on our shoulders, to actually go where we're supposed to go, to discern the evil spirits and cast them out, and to diagnose the diseases and heal them. Yet, such an undertaking faces various challenges that can slow it down (or even hinder it completely).

One such hindrance would be the various manifestations of attachment. Consider attachment to personal pleasures and comforts. Isn't it true that, sometimes, the very demon we seek to cast out blinds us by presenting us with food and money and comfort? A Caesar presents me with position (or even with a ribbon) and I forget that this particular Caesar is the exact embodiment of the demon I'm sent to cast out, or the disease I'm sent to heal! We also get attached to what's "ours" (such as values, personalities, methods, vocations, paradigms, etc). There are many people, for example, who are truly committed to nation building, yet spend colossal amounts of resources fighting those who use different methods or approaches for the same (obviating any need for active opposition).

Attachment also manifests in other ways, such as remaining glued to our past (past is past, no matter whether it worked or not) and failing to move on. We're attached to the slights (or even major abuses) and rejection we suffered, allowing these to dictate a bigger part of our adult lives. We refuse to draw lessons (or we draw the wrong ones), to shake off the dust, and move on! This could even be responsible for the way we're attached to our own individual importance, abilities, gifts and opportunities with no room for the involvement of others. Attachment to the old way, the simple way, the pleasurable way, with no room for change to the higher way (repentance) could also explain why the desired healing in our land isn't occurring as fast as we'd desire.

May Jesus Christ grant us the grace to discern, and disentangle ourselves from, all attachments that derail us from fulfilling our higher purposes.

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