POSITIVE THINKING || Understanding and Benefits and Positive Thinking.

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago  (edited)


In this world nothing is impossible, other than starting with positive thoughts. Positive thinking will give birth to habits that will be more enthusiastic in living everyday life. Because positive thinking souls will get good results, otherwise negative thinking will spread a negative atmosphere as well.


So, what is positive thinking? And how can we live life with positive thoughts? What are the benefits? Before we continue, try to have your heart and mind think positively in any case.

★ Understanding Positive Thinking

Positive thinking in Indonesian is positive thinking by looking at things without seeing the negative side, and taking lessons behind the problems that befall them. Positive thinking will not come by itself but a skill that must be learned. A positive frame of mind increases the motivation to succeed and get what you want. It will make you believe that you are sure of what you want. This will also motivate you to achieve more than you expected.

★ Why We Should Think Positive

Because, positive thinking will make us much calmer, more open and sometimes even good ideas will appear when we think positively, and there are others including:

1. Happy


Actually, real happiness will come from ourselves, and a matter of attitude. Often happiness does not depend on our surroundings but happiness that comes from ourselves.

For example, when we try to tell someone that the zipper on the back of their bag is open and tell them to be careful, try to check their bag first. Of course he will react to say "thank you, politely and full of sincerity and a sincere smile" to us.

Don't we feel happy enough to see someone's smile that is sincere even though it's selfless?. Yes it is clear, this is all how we deal with it.

2. Motivation


Motivation is a very extraordinary trait that a person has, because it will push him forward and his sense of enthusiasm is more burning. Motivation will also affect behavior and do activities when we expect something better to achieve.

3. Self-Esteem


Our attitudes and ways of thinking will relate to our own feelings. If we always evoke a positive attitude and think then we have a very meaningful sense of self-worth. Don't worry about what other people think, as long as we prove a positive attitude towards ourselves and those around us, then we will be treated with more respect.

4. Good Health


The mind will affect the body's metabolism, therefore we will feel healthier while positive thinking is also happier. Because positive thinking will lead to a healthy lifestyle, so you are not susceptible to disease.

5. Better Relationships


One of the times when we think positively, we tend to choose or be attracted to people who behave positively as well. Because it's true that positive people bring the impression of joy, enthusiasm that is contagious, they are like light and energize their surroundings and make relationships more felt when together, because of these positive words and thoughts.

★ Benefits of Positive Thinking

"The more we feed our minds with positive thoughts, the more interesting things we will get in our lives." Life will feel more comfortable if we are always in positive thinking. The following are some of the benefits of positive thinking:

1. Benefits of Positive Thinking in the Family

Family is the smallest unit in society such as father, mother, brother and sister. The beginning of the first scope and often meeting with family and more trusted by others, whatever family problems will be the most important thing to give and receive solutions to our thoughts.

One of positive thinking in the family environment is to discuss with each other about anything, whether they like it or not, and this becomes a problem that is directed at positive thinking to get a better solution.

2. Benefits of Positive Thinking in Career

Doesn't everyone really want to get a career? Correctly. It's just how our attitude to bridge the career in a way that is not easy.

Treated with knowledge, experience, working hard and working smart, developing creativity / imagination into achievements, maintaining the behavior of fellow co-workers, and all of that if we are aware that there is a positive attitude that must always be honed.

3. The Benefits of Positive Thinking in Finance

And one more thing, the purpose of positive thinking in finance is for us to be more frugal in spending financially as needed, as well as training ourselves to be neat and orderly because it's not just basic needs but use our finances by refreshing ourselves and our minds to reduce stress. Emphasizing positive things will create good thoughts and develop imagination. In fact, the greatest benefit that positive thinking provides is an increased ability to build skills and develop resources for later use.

★ How to Improve Positive Thinking?

We certainly know things that make us happy such as, listening to music, hanging out with friends, going to find nature freshness or maybe spending time with the closest people who make you feel happy which builds a positive sense of yourself. In addition, there are simple and inexpensive ways to improve positive thinking, such as:

1. Meditation


Research shows that people who meditate daily show more positive emotions than those who don't. People who meditate can build valuable long-term skills.

2. Play


Schedule free time to play. Allow yourself in this moment to smile and enjoy the benefits of positive emotions. No need to leave the house to play in expensive places, just make the place around us a place we like, for example by playing the guitar, just listening to every excerpt can make us think positively.

3. Give yourself time to get rid of negative thoughts on yourself

Take 10 minutes to vent your anger towards yourself or try to write your worries down on a piece of paper, just accept it and acknowledge its existence, then crumple the paper and throw it away. In fact, worrying too much about things that are out of your control will only cause problems that will never happen.

4. Learn to Face Challenges


Try to remember what lessons you can learn from the struggle you do? What do you get from the good and the bad? This makes learning to make us better prepared for what might happen in the future. In everything, don't forget to be grateful and have faith.

5. Focus on the Positive

Learn to reflect on yourself in a positive way. Try to start keeping a gratitude journal, and forgive others who often upset us and put us down.

We will grow well if we pay attention to the good things around us, although the small good things should not be underestimated. Those seemingly small things like love, wisdom, and passion will accelerate us towards a better life.

★ Positive Thinking

When you notice negative thoughts, try to stop them and shift your focus to positive thoughts. Negative thoughts may not go away in an instant, but with practice, we can train ourselves to have a more positive outlook. It can be concluded that positive thinking is someone who uses his mind that is able to generate enthusiasm for changes towards a better standard of living, and assesses the experiences in his life as valuable experiences for the next experience and all of that as a life process that must be accepted.

Positive thinking is not just a feeling of comfort. Yes, it's good to just be happy, but moments of happiness are also important to open our minds to explore and build self-skills that are very valuable in other areas of our lives.

Let's start practicing positive thinking so that we look authoritative in the eyes of others. That's all from me, thank you and see you in the next post.

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