Life gives opportunities to all of us, not only to people who work hard.
My best opportunities in life have come at a time where i was very reluctant to do anything.
We have all heard of the saying that goes like
When life hits you, it hits you hard.
It hits you at a time you least expected that your plan will backfire right at your face at the time you thought you had everything planned out or at a time you thought you had a chance to make things right.
Some people take these as lessons and move on in life without having regrets because they know that regret is a waste of time.
I never have time to worry when I make mistakes, I take them as either bad investments or a waste of time and I won't sit around wasting more time regretting.
But life gives second chances as it always does, which some people do not believe.
As I said it is always up to you who is sad to make the most out of the situation.
when one opportunity closes another opens.
When we are busily sobbing, that opportunity passes by and by the time we realise it we would have missed a lot of opportunies which was just lying around.
This is something small I have learnt in my life journey.
Thank you.