3 interesting subjects that I wanted to write about

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello, this is my first post here, today I want to write about 3 interesting subjects that I read on scientific and entertainment websites and give my viewpoint about it.
So here is the subjects of today's post:

Number 1 - scientists found a way to regrow a frog's leg

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I think this is a new big step towards achieving the goal of human body part regrowth and it gives hope to people suffering from different types of limb imputation. We already know that some animals such as starfish, crabs and salamanders have the ability to regrow their organs, but in case of frogs there is no evidence of such behavior in frogs. and I believe this is what science really should be focusing on not other useless subjects that we hear these days on the news.
So how they managed to do it?, according to the journal on Science Advances published by scientists from Tufts University and Harvard University’s Wyss Institute, they used something like 115 frog to experiment on, they first amputated the frog's leg in a humane way, it was an African clawed frog with the scientific name "Xenopus laevis", and then they put a device, basically a silicone dome called Biodome on the frog's amputated leg, the Biodome containing a mixture of growth-promoting drugs was put on the frog's amputated leg for 24 hours. The drugs were responsible for stopping collagen production which leads to creation of wound and reducing inflammation and stimulating the growth of nerves, blood vessels and muscles. After that they released the frogs in a different area with regularly changing the water.
18 months later,the amputated limbs re-emerged in the frogs, and foot-like structures formed with nerves, muscles, bones, and even toe-like appendages, but no web formed between the toes.
Although this species of frogs are somewhere between salamanders and mammals but still we can say this is the beginning of a new era in medical science. In the next step they want to make such experiments on mouse, I hope they succeed in that as well.

Number 2 - Which animals could Britons beat in a fight?
There is a fun poll on YouGov which asked which animals British people thought they could beat in unarmed combat and the result is interesting, here is the final result:

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Coming from the top to bottom starting with Rat, %67 believe they can beat a rat in a fight I don't know what the other %33 were thinking, I mean come on it's just a tiny stinky little rat, you can just crush it under your foot, next is the house cat I think %66 is a high number cause these little demons are tough in a fight with their sharp claws and teeth and their unbelievably fast reaction time plus their extraordinary flexibility, I mean sometimes you can see them confronting big predators like bears and scaring them off, so what I think is they should reconsider in case of house cat. And then we have Goose with %45, I don't think a goose can be as tough as a house cat but I personally never encountered a goose so maybe I'm wrong, or should I say no comments? anyways what about a Medium sized dog that could be more challenging than a house cat or a goose, cause as you already know dogs have strong bite force and very high stamina, they can easily tear up your skin and flesh and cause serous injuries, Next one is Eagle I have no idea how to confront an eagle but my idea is if you have a good grip of the eagle's legs and head there could be no problem defeating an eagle in a fist fight, seems rather easy, but about large dogs according to statistics and what I hear in the news these animals are really dangerous and they are the number one cause of human death by animals, so this %13 should have great skills in a conflict with a large dog, some breeds like Mastiff is really frightening to face with, Now about Chimpanzee, I got to say this animal can be really nasty in a fight, they usually go for your face, I saw some cases of chimp attack victims with their face totally deformed, despite their small size they have really strong arms and they can easily tear your flesh up also their bite force is strong as well, coming up next is King Cobra, I think this is the most beautiful type of snake also dangerous, but %7 is really a small number, I think with a little practice from snake catchers, you can learn the trick, it's like hypnotism the way they trick these animals and catch their head in their hands and when you catch it, it's done, there is nothing they can do anymore, next case is my favorite, fighting a Kangaroo can be fun, these animals are kickboxing masters, the way they keep their guard and move like a professional fighter is really amazing but for real though, only %7? you mean a kangaroo is much tougher than a large dog? I don't think so, Now here we are with some of the most dangerous and toughest predators Wolf, Crocodile, Grizzly Bear and Lion and the other two which are dangerous herbivores Elephant and Gorilla, for the first group I really wish luck for those who think they can beat those in a fight, there is no way a man or a woman can beat a lion in a fight, these guys are delusional, that's not gonna happen also not in case of gorilla or elephant.
So that is what I think about the whole think and the results, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Number 3 -A man from Idaho completed his dream of breaking 52 world records in a single year

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This man is David Rush from Idaho he promised himself to break one Guinness World Record every week of 2021. You can check it out on his website.
This is quiet interesting while most of us were sitting depressed in our rooms in quarantine, this guy was thinking about his next Guinness world record idea for the next week. I really admire his effort and hard work.
He already broke 200 Guinness World Records, from Fastest time to wrap a person with wrapping paper to Most drum stick flips in 30 seconds, although this might sound absurd but if you think about it another way like consider the Perseverance and diligence he put it into work and never back down from his goals this can be inspirational for some people, I mean there is two type of opinions in this case some might see it as useless attempts to show off on the other hand you can think of it as a way to express yourself and show your ability to control your mind and body to the world, maybe one day I take the challenge, maybe in the right time and right position.
Anyways this man not only breaks Guinness World Records but also helps his students and people around him, he always had a dream of breaking a world record since childhood and at the end he made it, I think that's a pretty good story and we can make him an example to of hard work pays off.

That was the stories of today hoped you liked it, thank you and have a good day.

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Thank you, I will check it