The Diary Game Betterlife ||23-Agust-2021|| My activity to day || go to brother's place, and gather with my little family || By @humaidi

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago 


Assalamualaikum friends, I hope you are all well. I want to make my diary today, I hope all friends like it.



I woke up in the morning at 06.00 then I prayed the dawn prayer after the dawn prayer I immediately went to sleep again in the warmth of the blanket, because outside the rain was very heavy, if the morning atmosphere was very cold I really couldn't do activities as usual, because the weather was not supportive, and it felt like my eyes want to sleep, and I open my eyes at 07.30 but I see the rain is still very heavy, and I wake up for breakfast after that I sit smoking and enjoy hot coffee, after that I take a shower because I want to go to my brother's place, and after I take a shower I have to wait for the rain to stop otherwise I can't go, the hour is already 11.00 the rain has stopped but the sky is still a little cloudy, I went with my wife and child, and I went to my sister's house first after that we just started went together to my brother's place because of my dead brother's month-long celebration event, we got there exactly at 13.20, and when we got there we immediately ate the feast that had been prepared.




Day Time

And after eating we sat and chatted with my brother, after that it was already 14.00 I went home to my mother, and there I prayed dhuhur first after the dhuhur prayer I went out to sit with my friends in the coffee shop while enjoying a cup of milk coffee hot.

After the coffee shop I went home again to pick up my wife and children to take them for an afternoon walk at 16.00 I prayed Asr first and then I went for a walk.





Because I went it was late so a lot of people were walking and I saw to my left and right that the people selling on the side of the road were very busy, and I took my son on odong odong he looked very happy and liked it.

Because my wife was taking care of my child playing, I went to buy fruit because my stomach was hungry, let alone waiting for my favorite daughter to ride odong odong, it would take a very long time, usually when she played odong odong she would not want to come down.



And at 17.00 I went with my wife to buy meatballs and my wife also bought somai to take home, it tasted very good, especially when the weather was cold, eating spicy spicy food was very good.

After eating the meatballs I went home but on the way I stopped for a while to see my rice which had started to be harvested, and made my heart happy.


Because dusk was starting to appear I immediately went home when I got home I prayed maghrib and had dinner after that I watched television, and while playing with my cellphone, because it was already 23.45 I immediately took a break because it was late at night, and arrived here the diary me and thank you.

Photo TakenSmartphone infinik not 8
CategoryThediary Game
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App Editorpicsart app


Gretings From Me @humaidi

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Bereh that frend bak pante pat nyan

Heheh,nyan bak bakso mutia tala,,😀😀😀😂😂