Wisdom's grace is upon her
Obscure and heedful mother
Masterpiece of God's Canvas
Elevating Knowledge's mass
Niftily she glides to the top class
She is as vibrant as the flowers she loves
She lives with love without gloves
Her faith is like a rose thorn
None can touch her, forlorn
Her visage illuminates like the blazing sun
Passionate she is, her heart pure as a nun
Her mind is like gold
Like tales of old lovingly told
She is a kind soul of faith
She is mother, my wisdom wraith

Obscure and heedful mother
Masterpiece of God's Canvas
Elevating Knowledge's mass
Niftily she glides to the top class
She is as vibrant as the flowers she loves
She lives with love without gloves
Her faith is like a rose thorn
None can touch her, forlorn
Her visage illuminates like the blazing sun
Passionate she is, her heart pure as a nun
Her mind is like gold
Like tales of old lovingly told
She is a kind soul of faith
She is mother, my wisdom wraith