Are you a fan of Seascape? Then get your soy sauce ready to go with SushiSwap because Seascape’s universal token Crowns is now available on Sushiswap!
The Japanese love sushi so much someone thought of a blockchain equivalent for it. Sushi swap is a decentralized exchange for swapping Ethereum and what’s more, it comes with pretty great aesthetics. I would share more about what SushiSwap is all about in this article but one thing you should know if you’re getting on the SushiSwap platform is that this sushi bowl is no kiddie stuff!
Not only does it have enough liquidity to outflow a lake, but it’s also easy-to-use UI requires no membership to participate, and if you happen to be good at what you do as an Ethereum user then this is the best place to earn some sweet rewards.
About SushiSwap
SushiSwap is an Ethereum powered software whose objective is to incentivize a network of users to run a platform for users to exchange crypto assets. Sushi users are to stash away assets into smart contracts which traders can then buy and sell from the pools created by users. In interacting, everyone and anyone can easily swap one token for another. At the moment, everyone at Seascape and SushiSwap is super pumped about this.
Final Thoughts
If you’re reading this as a Seascape fan then this is a good time to rake in some LP tokens for yourself as you’re going to need them. Seascape is currently cooking up some exciting events for fans as well so keep your eyes open for updates. These events will give users the chance to earn awesome rewards when Seascape starts to launch its stack of events off the shelf.
Today is a good day to get yourself some real-life sushi with soy sauce while you buy Seascape gems on SushiSwap. Best combination ever!