Buku bisa menyelamatkan. Ketika hidup sedang berat-beratnya, cerita dalam buku bisa menjadi hiburan, pelarian, sekaligus terapi tanpa sadar. Tak terhitung berapa kali saya berhasil bertahan melalui aneka ujian hidup dengan membaca buku.
Books can save. When life is tough, stories in books can be entertainment, escape, and therapy without realizing it. There are countless times I have survived the various tests of life by reading books.
Benar bahwa buku adalah salah satu teman paling sejati. Mereka menemani saya di koridor rumah sakit pada malam-malam yang dingin. Mereka membuat saya lupa segala letih di kantor saat membacanya di commuter line sepulang kerja. Mereka menghilangkan ketegangan saya beberapa jam sebelum acara penting. Saya tak bisa membayangkan hidup tanpa buku.
It is true that books are one of our truest friends. They accompanied me in the hospital corridors on cold nights. They made me forget all the tiredness in the office reading them on the commuter line after work. They relieve my tension a few hours before an important event. I can't imagine life without books.
Happy World Book Day
23 April 2021