in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

The character i like the most from the bible is Jesus christ.


He is the son of God,he was sent by God over 2,000 years ago to this earth to die for our sin and to save as many as believe in him from the bondage of satan,death and eternal condemnation.

How I Imagine Jesus Christ.
I see Jesus Christ as God made flesh. The bible made me understand that physically he was in form of a man like me, he ate,drank,was tempted in every possible way but still he overcame and fulfilled the work he was sent to do here which was to die and use his blood to redeem man from the bondage of sin which we inherited from Adam and then unite us with God which he did. He bore our sins on the cross,died and was raised to life by God,and now he's seated at the right hand side of God making intercessions for you and I.

What adventures had Jesus Christ gone through.
He performed different miracles while he was on the earth,some of which are

  1. He fed a crowd of 5,000 men not even counting women and children with 5loaves of bread and two fishes

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everyone ate and there were 12baskets of leftovers.
Now look at that!!!

2)He healed so many blind,lame,deaf and dumb people too numerous to mention.

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  1. He was the first and only man to give up his life and take it back. He died and resurrected like he said on the 3rd day,and today he's alive.

  2. He cast out demons from people,made sick people whole again and even raised back to life people who had died.

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But the most important adventure he did was giving us a right standing with God by conquering the power of sin and death by his death and resurrection and reconciling as many as believe in him back to God.

Thank you @writingnreviews @belenguerra @fendit for this opportunity to share about my favourite book character,why he's the best and why I love him so much.

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Great post my friend! Thanks a lot for joining!

Thank you for reading @belenguerra

Jesus is the center of all characters. All the bible events before he was born and after he died all points at him.

That's why we're admonished to keep focusing on him.

Hebrew 12:2

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Very true sir. Very true @damzxyno