Beware of "Dream Killers"

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago 


Your beautiful dreams are valid
Your glorious visions are sheer
Your bright hopes are lively
Yet wisdom says:
Don't sleep on the bed of doubt
else you'll wake daydreaming on the couch of fear
where living the dream seems like a weird mirage
and anxiety plays ping pong with your emotions.

Your wonderful aspirations are great
Your fiery passion is ferocious
Your ambitions are awesome
Still wisdom counsels:
Never commune with naysayers
the dream they cannot see
Nor try to convince killjoys of the hope they'll murder with their gloom
'Cause detractors do not cherish the visions they cannot imagine.

Dream big. Dream wild. Dream with God.
He who dreams with God lives like a god
Above the turmoils of doubts and fears
Transcending the pain of adversities
Advancing beyond the limitations of mortals
Breaking through thresholds of the impossible
Limitless in potentials, zealous in passion
Deaf to the noise of killjoys and excuses of naysayers
Blind to the emotional attack of detractors
Purposeful, striving, and living the dream with divinity!

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