Movie review: title "SOLOMON KANE"💪👁️

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Solomon Kane is a very interesting movie all centered on black magic, and the devil's possession. Once upon a time where the world was launching into darkness, a time of witchcraft and sorcery when no one dare stood against it, but that time is over, Solomon Kane fought with all his power to see that it comes to an end. You should watch this movie it is quite interesting though scary and full of bad scenes may not be suitable for kids.

Solomon Kane was a young kid full of life, controlled by his father, father the king of the empire wanted Solomon his younger son to be a priest while Solomon’s older brother the crowned prince. Solomon never liked the idea of becoming a priest, he wanted a free life, and he wanted to be a free man under no one’s instructions. And he wasn’t giving the opportunity. His father the king told him if he chooses not to be a priest then he should look elsewhere for shelter as he is not going to harbor a rebellious child in his home, Solomon took a very huge decision, he decided to leave the palace and go to the other city. Before he left his father’s house, he had an argument with his elder brother Malachi he mistakenly pushed him down a cliff, he was so sad he lived with the guilt of killing his brother his whole life.

He was established there, and later became a captain, he fought many wars with his crew and won, he was the talk of the town, little did he knew he entered into a covenant with the devil. The covenant was for him to win more battles at the expense of his soul, meaning that he sold his soul entirely to the devil. While on the battlefield the devil visited telling him the deal is over it was time for him to go to his home (HELL) he ran away to a far country lived in the house of God amongst priests. One day Solomon was told by the priest that he cannot continue staying with them he has to return to his hometown.



Scared of going back, he told the priest he will die if he dared go back. The priest said his destiny was in his hometown, so he should return because they are not going to welcome his stay any longer. He returned while on his way he faced many battles. Before reaching his hometown he discovered that most lands were taken captive by the devil.

He meets with a family of five on his way and immediately bonds with them, on their way they were attacked by the devil's men, they killed the eldest and the last son took the girl child captive and killed the father. Now the father of the girl before he died made Kane promised to get his daughter from the hands of those evil men, saying that was the only way to free himself from the deal he had with the devil.

He searched for the girl while searching he found out that his elder brother Malachi whom he pushed down the cliff was alive and now serving Satan, for him to save the girl he will have to kill his brother the devils' servant, and seems almost impossible, but somehow he managed to succeed, I won’t say all, am inviting you to go and download the movie titled “SOLOMON KANE”

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💃💃💃😃wow am Soo happy thanks @belenguerra for selecting my post. Am very happy, thanks for the encouragement.

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Am grateful, thanks for your support and encouragement, I love you guys💯❤️