90 Day Fiance Intro

A little over a year ago, my Wife and I were at a Hotel (Motel 6, so it was a Motel I guess, whatever Motel means) flipping through the channels when a strange show came on. It was the 90 Day Fiancee Tell-All with Darcy and Tom arguing with Jesse, and Angie with Michael, Avery who was a White girl converting to Islam with her Syrian boyfriend, and a guy named Aladdin with an older American woman and he was leaving her because she had a Dildo, then a couple that was an older American woman and a Tunisian guy, arguing about her unresolved Divorce. Then there was Tim who was basically just talking to a girl in Colombia named Jennifer, because when he got there she found out about his close relationship with his x-Wife and didn't trust him. The funniest looking person and probably most shocking situation came from a nerdy White guy with a frumpy body, looking like he has feminine sized hips and a shape like a Saturnized Pear (they seem to have replaced him with Colt now). He was dating a girl in Africa who was disappointed by him being short and soft, but her brother was basically trying to sell her to him, and she almost had no choice.
The host is named Shaun Robinson, and we didn't know at first but the Tell-All was only on at the end of the season (and only the Tell-All has a host), and when she got to the last couple mentioned, they were talking about a "Bride price", which was a Dowery. And they were telling him she speaks English and is educated, so he needs to pay. We watched the whole Tell-All which is multiple days, and were completely interested. We didn't even see 1 day of any of their relationships.
The absolute funniest one, the one that really made it interesting, was Ceasar. Ceasar was a shorter Black guy, a Nail Technician in Vegas, who was completely hooked on a Ukrainian girl because she was real. He never met her in person, and she blew him off on 2 trips he paid for with her before the show, then on the show sent him to Mexico to wait on her, where he was showing the camera edible panties, etc, and again she never came (my Wife read on the blogs that his card was declined, so it was his fault). Her friends would tell him "she isn't real", but he knew she was real and that was all that mattered to him. Even though she never planned on being with him. During the Tell-All (appearing on Webcam in the studio) she tried to break up with him, he himself did an angry "we're done then" and she was so happy, then he back peddled.
If you don't know about it yet, or have been reading this so far and wondering, this is a show about H1 Visas where an American brings someone here on a Marriage Visa, and they have 90 days to get Married before it expires; that version of the show is called "90 Day Fiancee". Then after the Tell-All we found out there was "Before the 90 Days" and started watching that, then "90 Days: Happily Ever After", while watching that we saw spinoff called "The Family Chantel" with a family who was on the show before we started watching, then they made "90 Days: Pillow Talk" which shows a couple people who were on the show previously, in bed watching the show so you can see them watching the new couples, then they have "90 Days the Other Way" with Americans going to marry and live in other countries. And newest ones are "90 Days: Strikes Back" and "Darcy & Stacy".
My Wife reads the Blogs and watches YouTube videos made by fans, so she found out that like half the cast members are on FansOnly now, some secretly already were, which isn't surprising since it gets way worse with mail-order brides which they do seem to be avoiding having on their air, but it gets close to mail order, especially with the Ukrainian girls, who (the ones on the show at least) are on the mail-order sites milking the mail-order seeking men. If you watch the Fan Blogs and YouTube Fan videos, they actually have a lot of info that is either not on the show, or hasn't aired yet when they put it up.
Before the 90 Days
After the Tell-All "Before the 90 Days" was on, so we watched it. The Tell-All Strike back for this is a Rerun on right now as I write this. The most promising couple, that everyone thought would make it, were Ash and Avery. An American girl from California named Avery, and a man from an African Island named Ash. He was a relationship coach, and at first the big problem was "he knows exactly what to say", but then he has a seminar and we find out he is a Male Chauvinist, and says men are logical and structure brained with space between, while women are flurry brained with tilted boxes all formed together. Then when challenged by his female fans he gets flurry brained and everyone said out loud "getting a little Woman brained there Ash?", I know that because my Wife and I said it out loud, then on Pillow Talk and Strikes Back they all said the same thing we said.
Rose is a 23 year old Philippino girl, and Ed is a 55 year old who is short, egg shaped, neck-less, and his Mom calls him Pony. He has pictures of girls in tutus all over his walls, and says he is a photographer. When his 29 daughter found out he wanted to bring a 23 year old Philippino girl to marry him, she stopped talking to him, so clearly there are issues beyond the obvious with him going after this young girl. And while watching the season it feels almost like you are watching a Pedophile talk to his victim's family. They made 90 Days Strikes back for him and the other hated cast members.
Erika & Stephanie were the first same sex couple. Stephanie was a YouTuber who shows a lot of cleavage and according to what we see on the show she is said to be provocative in some of her videos, but in real life she is a sickly germophobic heterosexual or maybe celebant asexual. But whatever she is, she traveled to Australia basically to tease Erika and promote her YouTube channel. It was just basically pure drama with no relationship with only Erika trying to make it work.
Yolanda lives in Vegas, and it seems like people in Vegas are very gullible. Her boyfriend was Williams who she had only seen pictures of and thought his Nigerian accent was British, until her daughter did a reverse image search. But my Wife read the blogs and found out Yolanda and Williams knew each other already and planned it.
David is the new Ceasar. He is obsessed with Ukrainian women, and knows Lana is real so won't let her go. He spent like $100,000+ just talking to her on a mail-order site, and she probably would have never come to meet him if it were not for the TLC producers giving her a segment and getting her on. But he still thinks she wants to marry him. He bought her a new iPhone and a Cubic Zirconium Engagement Ring, and I am pretty sure she sold both of them because she told him she only wants to talk on the site where he pays by the minute. But he still thinks they are getting married.
Tom and Darcy are probably the biggest twist. When we first started watching, it was Darcy with Tom on the Tell-All, and she had recently broken up with Jesse. Tom says he is there just as a friend to support her. Then throughout the season after that she is crying all the time and you think "Oh my God Darcy, get it together" but then at the Tell-All you discover Tom is actually a massive asshole, and was basically hiding himself the whole time waiting to be on 90 Days Strikes back.
Lisa and Usman were the new Angie and Michael, with Lisa being a much less interesting Angie, and Usman being a little more interesting than Michael as he is a Musician in his country and ruins his fand view of him by releasing a love song with no model in place of Lisa, as she made him take her out, and her (a 55+ year old White Warthog) appearing at the video premiere party getting jealous as Women fawned over him (the Musician they came to see). They are no longer on the show after it leaked in the Tell-All that Lisa is racist.
Jeffery was an American and Varya was a Russian he was, looking back, seemingly using to get on TV. He came from Tennessee and regularly said things like "I came all the way to Russia", like he was a gift to her friends and family and had no intent to prove himself to them. They then find out he was in Prison for 3 years, which for some reason he revealed to Varya when she took him to see her Childhood school. So there they are on the front steps of the school, her having a moment thinking of children and her childhood, and he tells her he is a Felon. He then breaks up with her because he leaves without her accepting the engagement because there was so much new info for her to consider. So he gets back with his American Girlfriend for a few weeks when Varya shows up at his doorstep because he isn't answering her calls. Before she leaves he proposes again, but my Wife found out through the blog Jeffery had a domestic violence case, and was still married to his 4th Wife, so they took him and Varya off the show.
Happily Ever After
Colt is probably the most disgusting person most people have ever encountered in their lives. He is like Stephen Asanti from My 600 Lb Life, but worse. Stephen at least knew what he was because of the show he was on, but Colt thinks he is a player. They put him on Happily Ever After because he is a grown man who lives with his Mom, who is basically his Common Law Wife and they are happy together. When his Brazilian girlfriend Larissa came to marry him, all she wanted was a $20 thing of Flowers and he refused to buy it, and that pretty much defined the entire relationship. Colt and his Mom called the Police on Larissa 3x and almost got her deported. After she leaves, Colt thinks of himself as an Eligible Bachelor and seems to be using 90 Day Fiance to get laid, and they are filming it. The recent relationship was with Jess, who was in America already, in Chicago, and needs a new Visa. And if you have seen Colt operate, you know he asked her if she wanted to be on TV, and that is why she was with him.
Tanya and Syngin met in South Africa and got married, they are probably one of the best relationships but it has been slow for them since she got in a car wreck and broke her leg. Then they went back to visit South Africa causing him to realize he was bored. And now they are talking about divorce, but that could just be Tanya retaliating for the near breakup things he said in South Africa.
Libby is the youngest child of 7 or more and Andrie came from Maldova, after they got married he told her Dad he would do woodwork and electric work on a house they stayed in. The Dad got mad he was not renting out the property and it wasn't being fixed up, so Andrei's solution was to move out with Libby, and ask Libby to ask her Dad to pay for their new place. After that they paid for his trucking school, but after finishing said he doesn't want to be away from his family. They then go to Maldova where Libby's Dad pays for a 2nd wedding to allow Andrei's family to see them get married.
Kalani is half Samoan and her Dad told her never to marry a boy from the Island. So she goes to the Island a virgin at 30 and gets pregnant by Asuelu who is 7 years younger than her, and works as a Island Dancer at her resort. They then get married, and he basically plays video games and volleyball all the time, and wants Kalani to raise the kids, cook, clean and play the role of an Island woman. Then his family comes demanding Remittance from Kalani, even when she comes to the States and lives with Asuelu's sister.
I saved this one for last because it is probably the most epic failure of a relationship in the show so far. Paul is basically Trailer Trash who went to Brazil to meet Karine, and the first thing we saw was them at a Park, Paul runs away, and Karine is literally robbed at gunpoint in the park. She then goes home, and he shows up later to apologize. They get back together and go to America where Paul wants them to live with his Mom, who says if he comes to her house he won't leave. So they first go look at a burned out trailer with no walls. Then end up in a 1 room trailer, and he has no job. They literally had so little going on and needed food so bad, Paul invited his Mom to the Pet Shop where she thinks he is inviting her to see his new job, but he is asking her to buy Pet food. My Wife read on the blogs that she cheated on him with his friend and is pregnant now.
September-October 2020
Now is the Happily Ever After Tell-All, which started yesterday and has 2 episodes left airing next week, one aired Sunday. But anyone who hasn't seen the show, especially couples, should watch it.
My Wife says these are the Vloggers to watch if you want inside info: