Love is a feeling. Love can be for two people, love can be for an object, love can be for an invisible creator, love can be for one's own work. This is an emotional connection with something, that is love.
In the world, most people understand the love of two people to mean love.
Love is a relationship between two people. A feeling relationship. But how does the body-mind understand this love. Feeling means body chemistry. And this chemistry controls the brain. The mind calls this work of the brain forever. If love is a game of two minds, then love is a game of two minds.
Brain means the chemistry of neurons. Love is the attraction of chemistry.
The ten chemical elements that work in love are - adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, testosterone, estrogen, oxytocin, endorphins, vasopressin, phenylethylamine, serotonin. All work in the brain and in different parts of the body. Like many other things they do, each element has an effect in creating the feeling of love. Because love is a cocktail! Love is a mixed chemistry.
Love is the attraction of two people. The work of attraction takes place in these chemical elements. Some of these are called neurotransmitter substances. This means the chemicals that hold and carry our senses. Our feelings depend more or less on these elements.
Love is an excitement. What a thrill! The excitation of these chemicals. Love means unknown joy, delight of mind, uncertain fear, sometimes fear, sometimes excitement, sometimes trembling, sometimes waking up dreaming.
Love is a subconscious feeling. It is not completely Kansas nor is it completely unconscious. It’s a heat in the middle.
Love is a connection, love is an attachment. As we grow from small to large - our bodies initially grow in fear and uncertainty. Unknown curiosity and questions. The first love of life is formed in this cycle of parents and family. Answers and confidence are created. Gradually this love gives status to our chemistry. Reduces our fears and uncertainties. At times the body grows. There are many changes in our chemistry. That chemistry creates a different kind of love between us. Leaving the boundaries of a familiar family, we find love in a different person. With that love someone we built another house, no one built.
Three stages of love.
First: Sex
Second: Attraction
Third: Connection
The sexuality works in the beginning and hides. The attraction brings excitement to the time leaving sex behind. Bonds are formed by the connection of sexuality and attraction. Love is the state of bondage.