Parents are true guardian's

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

Parents are more important person in everyone life. Parents are special no matter what, because they give life to us. Parents are the backbone of a child's life. The love of mother and care of father is much higher than anything. The mother suffer all the pain and struggles to give us birth and she dreams for our future. A father sacrifice a lot for us to make us grow. Those were the days when our parents lost their sleep, happiness and struggled so much to bring us in the world and make a batter life for us. They give birth to us, made us grow, always suppert us, guide and help us in every way they can. The best and only pillar in life for our achievement, our dreams are our parents. We will realize how our parents struggled when we become a parents.

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Our parents are our heros. We can never deny the role and value of parents in our life. They play a great role in our lives. Parents are true guardians. They protect us and give every sacrifice to make us happy and pleased. They are the real reason of our success and happiness in the world. If we have any good quality, then we must thank to our parents for it. It is necessary to thank our parents often and it is also our responsibility to take care of them for their needs just like how they care for us.

"As special needs parents, we don't have the power to make life fair, but we do have the power to make life joyful"

We must thank to God for blessing us with the support, guide and protection of our parents.





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