Get out of your life what you really don't need.
Let's imagine our mind as a glass of water with earth inside it, this earth symbolizes two negative mental states such as anger, envy, lust and sadness;
As with water, our minds are clouded by these feelings, preventing us from thinking clearly and making us feel miserable and miserable; When we let the water rest without shaking it, the sediments slowly settle to the bottom of the glass, making the water clear again, that is, if we do not expose ourselves to the sources of these feelings, we will be able to enjoy a happy and serene state of mind.
And this is where true mental stability resides, so we are going to delve into why and how we must obtain this ability and for this we are going to use the famous Maslow pyramid; This American psychologist established a hierarchy of human needs through five divisions, understanding that once those of a lower level are satisfied, the human being tends to instinctively try to reach those of a higher level, in modern societies or developed countries the needs physiological safety and affiliation are practically covered in their entirety, we do not worry about whether or not we will have food, a bed where we can sleep, an environment that allows us to be safe or a friend or family member with whom we can talk and share our opinions.