Eternity in our Hearts

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 


This past weekend was the most tired I have been with long hours of learning and teaching, writing and drafting documents and proposals over long hours of time. mostly doing overnights too.
I felt flashes of headache and dizziness in my eyes as I was wrapping up my last class on Friday night at 12 midnight.
I skipped my Saturday morning class to have myself checked and do some medication.

After all was done, I was back on my bed to catch some sleep. As I laid down quietly waiting to automatically fall asleep, a thought rushed in my head...

Kwame Sarpong, so what's the end game in all these things you are doing and pushing out of you unto people and the rest of the world??

I answered myself in my mind. I'm making some money. That must be good right??
Yeah right. But does it have a sustainable end for you? I mean, can you see yourself eternally satisfied and fufiled?? (At this point, my two Tom and Jerry opposing counsellors were still talking to me in my head haha)
My mind took me back to my short but painful ordeal earlier this year in February at the Ridge Hospital. I was in fear for my life over such incident happening again. Most of you who have been religiously following and reading my stories know my hospital story so I'm not going to go into it again.
The only consolation I could give myself yesterday afternoon as I was laying down was God, I count it all joy for your sake. My will is to serve you.
And thank you for making me serve you through my consistent writings to hundreds of people around Ghana and the world.
Thank you again for the opportunity through my brother and friend, Pedro Moquiba to teach hundreds of students around the world and the endless opportunities you push through for me around my way as I continually lift and help people around the world.
But my eternal wish is to spend forever with you in Heaven when my time is finally up here on earth.
I'm not a righteous person nor am I the most qualified but help me Lord for all my work and sacrifices to be accepted in your sight. Not merely for the sake of my earthly glory but for the righteous glory to be raptured by you to Heaven to spend eternity with the saints on the last day.
Folks, this is my eternal wish. This is the reason why I work so hard to serve others, remain humble and committed. Seek integrity and work delligently with whoever has given me responsibility to do something for them.

I can cheat too, I lie every now and then, I get angry and snap at myself and others. But because heaven is my eternal place of wish, I give my 1000% all the time. I work like a machine. And not give up because this is my end goal.
What about you?
John (I have forgotten his surname) was a former VP of Microsoft with a million dollar salary. One evening, he called his old friend and Harvard buddy Bill Gates for a meeting.
Bill, buddy, I called you here to tell you I'm resigning from my job to pursue my dream of publishing and sharing free books across the world.
What??? John, Why?? Is there something else Microsoft can do right by you. John was sharing this incredible story with Oprah Winfrey at her show in 2006. And even Oprah was shocked at what she was hearing from the man at the time. He told Oprah that he went home that evening feeling happy but didn't know what he was going to do or how he was going to achieve his dream. Where will money come from again to feed his family. He had no idea but he was happy he had gathered the courage to pursue his dream regardless.
He went home and told his wife and kids over dinner that night. According to him, his wife came out of the shower that night and suggested to him; John, why don't we organise fundraising dinner. you can call Bill, Steve (Steve Balmer) and all your former Harvard mates so they can contribute something little to support you in this project. I'll talk to my friends at work too. And we take it from there. His wife's idea worked like magic. They held dinners at their house and big guys around America came out to support him to publish more books to poor children in Gambia, Indonesia, Pakistan and more countries around the world.
He finally told Oprah that that was his dream to eternity. After he had travelled with his Microsoft team to India and Indonesia and saw that children couldn't get reading materials to read in most schools there.
My people, today, John's foundation is one of the richest non profit organisation in the world.
His eternal dream seemed weird to many people at the beginning. But today, he has Tech giants and wealthy people around the world contributing to his foundation to help him distribute a million reading books to millions of children around the world.
I am a teacher and a writer. You may be a teacher too like me, a lawyer, a musician, an accountant, a petty trader at the market, a banker, a CEO of a fortune 500 company etc.
Ask yourself honestly with your job or whatever it is that you are doing to the service of others.
What is my eternal wish for whatever I'm doing???
I repeat, I'm not honest or practicing integrity of working hard overtime just to impress people that I'm some honest guy or some incredible guy with a good heart.

I don't do any of these things to impress anybody. As I have done that many times in the past years and got duped, betrayed and labelled a fool and a false impressionist all for these sake
But because I know there is a God somewhere up in the heavens watching my every dealings with people and my own self.
And I will receive a final verdict on each and every one of them someday soon.

Will it be a good verdict or a bad one? I don't know. And I cannot tell. But that's also the more reason I give the best of my everything everyday to you. Including my writings to you every day.

Steven R Covey said "In all your dealings, think of your end from your beginning."

Think over this.

Freelance Writer

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