Her Story - Club100

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago 

Hi Dear Friends, this is my first post in the Writing & Reviews Community. I became a member of this beautiful community because of the @writingnreviews kind invitation :) I am interested in painting. I like to read. I've written once before on Steemit and this will be the second one so I feel excited :)

I decided to write a story inspired by this photo I took on trekking. I hope there will be a lot of readers of it :)


A powerful thought filled her mind. She was thinking that emotions felt under pressure, like jobs done under pressure, are not strong and hearty. She remembered a proverb that "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". She cares about it. If she wants to see what is behind the wall, nothing will prevent it.

Maybe what she will see will upset or shock her, but he will see the truth. She would rather have a real life with ups and downs than a quiet artificial life. She didn't know if she was strong, adventurous, rebellious, or just curious. All she knew was that she had to experience to answer all these questions in her mind.

It was the light from a small space that inspired her. Everything starts with a thought and life becomes both more complex and meaningful. That's exactly what she thought.

Yes, the adventure begins because she has decided. That's the whole point!

Now it's time for #club100 🎉

Thank you for visiting my post 💜

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Hola amigo!! Me encantó su historia porque es verdad debemos llevar una vida sencilla y no aparentar algo que no es. En la vida siempre vamos a tener altibajos porque no existe una vida perfecta y sin problemas.
Detrás de la pared podemos encontrar cosas maravillosas. Debemos tener el coraje para derrumbar la pared y conseguir lo que anhelamos.porque los seres humanos somos extraordinarios. Le deseo una feliz noche y espero que nos muestre sus dibujos. Bendiciones para usted.🙏💕🌜

As you said, we have the potential for the courage we need to break down walls. Thank you for your kind and detailed comment :)

Hello @serap, welcome to Writing & Reviews, it makes us very happy to see you share with us. :)

I agree that it is better to live a life of your own and not full of banalities. I think that little light can make anyone wake up and even more so if it is perceived from that angle that you captured.

I admit and stay with this:

everything starts with a thought

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Again very happy to see you share with us.

I am very happy that you read and answered my post in detail. Thank you very much for the warm welcome :)

excellent publication to start in this great community. successes.

Glad to know that you liked it. Thanks a lot for your good wishes :)


nice entry dear... Keep posting!

Thank you :)