Introduction ❤️
EuropaCorp's production by Luc Besson Luc Besson and Virginie Besson-Silla produced Lucy, which was directed by her husband Luc Besson for the company. company. Lucy is the storey of a young lady who finds out she is pregnant.. It is an English-language film that was shot in Taipei, Paris, and New York City, among other locations. Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, and Amr Waked are among the cast members. When a nootropic, hallucinogenic substance is taken into her system, Johansson takes on the role of the eponymous character, a woman who develops psychokinetic skills as a result.
After its July 25, 2014 release, the picture was an instant box office hit, grossing more than $463 million worldwide, more than eleven times its $40 million budget[6].It garnered overwhelmingly favourable, but yet polarising, critical reception. The film received positive reviews for its ideas, aesthetics, and Johansson's acting, but it was panned by many who thought the storyline was illogical and uninteresting, particularly because it focused on a ten percent of the brain myth and the accompanying talents.
An American woman in her twenties, Lucy, is studying in Taiwan when she and her new boyfriend, Richard, are duped into being drug mules for a South Korean kkangpae (drug lord). The suitcase Lucy presents to Mr. Jang contains four packets of CPH4, an extremely valuable synthetic medicine that Lucy has learned about via his research.
As a result of witnessing Richard being shot and murdered, she is apprehended and a bag of the drug is forced into her tummy in order to transfer it to Europe.
As a result of the kick to the stomach she receives while in captivity, the bag is ruptured, allowing a substantial amount of the medication to enter her system. She develops more powerful physical and mental powers, including as telepathy, telekinesis, mental time travel, and the capacity to feel no pain as she progresses through the series." She also becomes cruel and heartless as a result of her transformation.
She kills her captors and manages to escape using her new skills.
Lucy walks to the neighbouring Tri-Service General Hospital in order to get the bag of medications that was lodged in her intestines removed.
During her sixth week of pregnancy, she is informed by the operating doctor that natural CPH4 is made in minute quantities by pregnant women to give foetuses with the energy they require for development.
When Lucy returns to Mr. Jang's hotel after developing enhanced physical and mental powers, she murders his bodyguards, assaulting him, and telepathically extracting the whereabouts of three remaining drug mules from his mind.
The scientist Samuel Norman, whose study may hold the secret to saving Lucy's life, is the first person she approaches when she begins investigating her illness. The following day, Lucy travels to Paris, where she meets with Norman and provides evidence of her newly acquired abilities.
She then contacts a local police captain, Pierre Del Rio, who agrees to assist her in tracking down the remaining three packets of the drug. When she drinks a sip of champagne on the plane, she begins to dissolve as her cells become destabilised.
Lucia drinks more of the medication in order to fend off her breakdown. Del Rio assists Lucy in locating the remaining narcotics in her possession. She decides to disclose what she knows after meeting Norman and his colleagues.
Lucia explores the nature of time and existence in the professor's laboratory, as well as how people's humanity may skew their impressions of the universe. She requests that the contents of the three remaining bags of CPH4 be administered intravenously to her. Her body transforms into a dark liquid that spreads across computers and other electrical devices in the lab, converting them into a next-generation supercomputer in the process. She mentally embarks on a voyage across time and space, finally arriving at Lucy, the oldest known progenitor of humans.
She uses her fingers to go all the way back to the beginning of time, where she sees the Big Bang happen. Lucy is about to be shot when Jang walks into the lab and raises a pistol to her face. He fires, but Lucy has already attained 100 percent of her brain capacity and vanishes, sliding into the spacetime continuum, before he can fire. There's nothing left save her clothing and a black supercomputer to remember her by.
After entering, Del Rio shoots Jang in the chest, killing him instantly. Following Norman's acceptance of a black flash drive provided by the supercomputer, the disc disintegrates. The question of where Lucy is is answered by Del Rio's mobile phone, which rings soon thereafter and displays the text message "I am everywhere." Lucy's voice can then be heard saying, "Life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what to do with it."