Isle of Dogs is an animated film directed by "Wes Anderson", and a voice acting by a constellation of Hollywood stars, most importantly actor "Edward Norton", "Brian Cranston", hero of the series "Breaking Bad", actor "Bill Murray", star "Scarlett Johansson" And many more Hollywood stars ...
The story of the movie Isle of Dogs revolves around the spread of dog flu in the fictional city of Megaski, Japan, which will oblige the mayor of the city, known for his political corruption, to launch a campaign against all dogs and send them to a waste island. One of the sons of this city named "Tari" will embark on a journey to the island to search for and retrieve his dog, where he will meet there with a serf of strange dogs, who will organize him on his journey in search of this dog in an adventure full of strange comedy and suspense close to the imagination.
Some people will tell you that this is an animated movie directed at children, but he often did not watch the movie, because he believes this is a 3D animation like many movies released by Disney. But this is a completely different cinematic work from the rest, and I don't think children will like it at all, because it is an animation that is directed towards adults.
This is due to several things that make it so: First, the stop-motion technology achieved by the film, which is considered by far the best I have seen from films filmed with this unfamiliar technology. Director Wes Anderson created a reality in dealing with it, and brought it to a degree of accuracy and realism that cannot be imagined. The details of the movie's characters are very perfect and amazing.
Acoustic performance
The second thing that is considered the most important pillar of this film is the voice performance of the actors, as some will tell you that animation films do not require big stars in order to perform voices only and do not appear on the screen. If this is the case, you will not find the directors and producers flocking to the voices of big stars in exchange for big money, and the evidence is in this film. There are two actors who were the most influential and wonderful and played a very big role in the quality of the film, where there is the vocal performance of the rising child "Koyo Rankin", The owner of Canadian-Scottish-Japanese origins, who voiced the character of the boy, "Tari", who searches for his dog, as his Japanese tones and words were absolutely amazing!
There is Fight Club hero Edward Norton, who is behind the well-deserved voice of a whimsical dog character! Stupid, but cool character. There is also a huge group of Hollywood stars and Japanese actors who have played different voice roles, the best of which are dog voices that are also considered well-deserved, but very fun and wonderful. The best recorded audio performances are in this movie Island of Dogs.
Who does not know director Wes Anderson, he missed a lot in the fun and weird comedy films category, which are not intended for fans of ordinary and expendable films. This person's movies are mostly comedies, but not the normal comedies you know that might expect them to blow you away with laughter. His films fall into the category of films that we can say about independent, not general, and have a great technical focus. His choices for lighting scenes, for example, are not absurd, as they have a very important role in the story, or the decorations, accessories and colors that are in some of his films one of the most important elements he focuses on, such as the wonderful movie The Grand Budapest Hotel from 2014.
Filming method
This is without forgetting the method of filming and taking the clips of his films, as he is considered among the most unique directors in their choice of camera positioning and movements, especially in this film, which by the way is one of the most important things that increased the pleasure of watching, as there are some cadres without which I would not have understood the meaning of the story . Thus, his choices of cinematography in this film are very important, and very creative.
the story!
Before judging this movie, let's first say that it is not your usual movie, and you will only appreciate it if you are among those who love, really, those unique films that try to be more personal each time and unparalleled than the rest. If you only like action movies, Avengers and Spiderman, hit me, hit you, and Batman ... you will often find yourself disappointed after this movie, because as we said, it is a strange cinematic work, a stranger story; Or rather, his idea is the stranger, and the story is considered normal and runs from event A to event B and then ends, but the passage between A and B is an unusually pleasant journey.