" Christopher McCandless " into the wild, the no coming back adventure

in hive-111825 •  3 years ago  (edited)

download (3).jpg
Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/gw4mezVAjgcmLiys8


You all must watched, read the book or the movie of " into the wild " if you didn't i really recommend that you should check it out , it is a fascinating story . It is about a young graduate, named " Christopher McCandless" it is a very beautiful story, the worst thing about it is that it ended tragically:( The young man was 20 y.o and went into no coming back adventure. Let me tell a brief summary about his life and how it ended so quickly:(

Christopher hate his parents, he had difficulties in coexisting with them, he hated their materialistic like, he always thought that his father is trying to control him by his money The relation was somehow characterized by violence and abuse, this gave him motivation to carry on his thoughts about going to the wild.

Christopher was an athlete, and a gradute from Emory university with a bachelor's degree in the double majors of history and Anthropology. Chris journey started April 22, 1992. He entered to the wild of Alaska unprepared and with minimal supplies, with 2 packs of rise and a hunting rifle he didn't know how to hunt even. Chris found a bus that was put there as a shelter for hunters " bus 142 " which called after " the magic bus " where he took as a shelter and lived his last days.

( Christopher McCandless picture besides the magic bus was found on his camera)

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/MaiwKhEC5sVWsZ6J9

Christopher McCandless body was found by a Hunter in the "magic bus" the cause of death was starvation

[ Rest in peace Chris.]

Beautiful quotes said by Christopher McCandless:

“Happiness is only real when shared.” ― Christopher McCandless

“The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure.” ― Christopher McCandless

“It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found.” ― Christopher McCandless

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Its done i just forgot