Movie: Tom & Jerry (2021)
Starring: Chloë Grace Moretz
Michael Peña
Colin Jost
Rob Delaney etc
country: united states
Release date
February 10, 2021 (Netherlands)
February 26, 2021 (United States)
Running time: 101 minutes
Language: English
Imdb Ratting: 5.4 / 10
86% of Google users like this movie
Tom and Jerry, the two names make a lot of people feel emotional. School, naughtiness, sports, mischief and a lot of nostalgia. This time the emotions of that childhood are back on the big screen. The plot of the story revolves around one of the largest five-star hotels in New York. Kayla (character's name) has been given the responsibility of arranging a luxurious wedding there. Kayla manipulated her CV a bit and took the job, but there were bigger problems at the hotel than she expected at work. Jerry made his abode in that hotel. And if Jerry has to be seized, Tom is called. Kayla does the same. Then began the old cat-rat running game. In the end, you have to watch the 1 hour and 40 minute movie to know what happens to the wedding, the hotel or what is left.
Not to mention the movie. Unlike the first remaining Tom and Jerry movies or cartoon series, this movie is not completely animated. It only animates animal characters. So that the audience can push even a little or it can be said that many can have fun. However, the old flavor can be a little panse. Second, the story is predictable. Even though Tim Story has made the movie with children in mind, they too will be deprived of the Element of Surprise in such a predictable story. Like Plow Grace Mortz, Michael Pena, Ken Jeong in the movie
There are well-known Hollywood stars.
One thing to say at the end of all, who doesn't like to see animated pictures? Everyone says it is good, so hopefully you will get more pleasure if you watch the movie in the eyes of children instead of in the eyes of adults.
Happy watching