Hello everyone, and hope you're great today?
I would like to share with you guys my very first experience at a public swimming pool.😊
Some years back, I was just fifteen years of age at the time, an Uncle of mine flew in from Holland, with his wife and two little kids(between age 3-5) then stopped by at my family's house. I was excited to see them, because the last time i did i was just twelve.
One day, during his short stay, he suggested his family and mine go out to a public pool to swim, relax and have some fun, so we all agreed, I loved the idea because, that would be my first opportunity to actually swim, and having watched lots of swimmers on the TV, I was quite confident that I would do great.
About half an hour later, we arrived at the pool, to me it was quite big, compared to seeing it on the TV, and very few people were around to swim that day, so it was kinda cool. First I decided to sit not far from the pool and observe others swim because, I was a bit nervous, my parent on the other hand, were having a drink at the bar by the pool-side, and didn't want to swim.
Before long, my uncle's wife was on her swimming kit and had her kids geared up too, she then dived into the pool and started displaying her skills, indeed, she's a good swimmer. She later put her two kids on her stomach and was swimming facing up, I was really fascinated by this, and already before this time, I saw a very pretty young girl, about my age range, relaxing outside the pool and on her swimming kit, and at this time she was also looking at my Uncle's wife showing off her skills, that moment, I decided its was time I impress her with some skills too(really silly of me), so I decided to gear up quickly, moved to the deeper part, and suddenly I dived into the pool as though I was a professional swimmer, forgetting I had no single experience.
And the next thing I realized was, I opened my eyes and saw a man pulling me out of the pool, then i said to him, "Leave me alone, I got this, and I was trying to struggle" then I suddenly heard my mum shouted "Shut up you moron, you've been under the water for over five minutes, and you're lucky we noticed, you would have died", It was then I realized that I drowned and even passed out under the water, all in the name of trying to impress that girl.
When I was brought out of the water I noticed the young girl was giving me a sorry look, and deep down I felt very stupid and embarrassed because, that incident ruined my chance of talking to her, and from that moment I vowed, I would learn to be a good swimmer.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.