Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 2): create your original story // by @chikezie4l

in hive-113376 •  2 years ago 

If we're all made flesh, then why do I see ghosts?

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I have always been weird but things took a stranger turn when I got involved in a ghastly accident that of which I came out unscathed. Since then, I've been able to see and speak to ghosts - you heard me, ghosts.

One summer when my family and I went on vacation, we visited my grandparents log cabin deep in the woods. Everything seemed fine - or so I thought.

As we settled in, my brother and I decided to take a look around as well as play hide and seek in the woods, I was to hide and he's to seek. I made use of all the skills I acquired during boyscout training so it would be a bit difficult for me to be found. Mind you, I could still see ghosts and I never for once told anyone about it.

I ventured deep into the forest and after awhile, some time had pass and I could tell that my brother had given up finding me, my hiding skills is unmatched, I thought to myself.

I got out of my hiding spot and started walking around the woods. I got to a part of the forest that is filled with tall trees and in the distance, I could see two figures. I didn't think much before I approached them. They had their backs turned against me and I could see some holes in what seemed to be their heads.

I know that I'm supposed to be scared but I've had my fair share of real life gore from helping with the red cross society and my ghost seeing ability apparently.

I approached these figures and as soon as they heard my footsteps, they charged at me, with violence, pain and anger. I stumbled aback and fell down before the ghosts vanished into thin air then I heard my dad calling out to me to come back for dinner.

The next day I went into the woods again in search of that part of the forest wth really tall trees to see if I can find them, the ghosts again. And I did.

This time around, I was determined to figure out why they were there. Ghosts don't usually inhabit a place unless they've got some unfinished business.

I calmly approached them and the tried scaring me away again but I didn't flinch, instead I spoke to them. I was somehow able to get them to explain why they were there and why haven't they moved on.

Arthur, the male ghost spoke first, he expressed his shock as to witness our conversation going on. He said that they had met with s tragic end.

Back in 1914, these two were lovers but the thought of them being together was impossible since their parents never got along and are rivals. The female, Christine spoke of the same.

They both had gunshot wounds on their foreheads, apparently, they committed mutual suicide due to the fact that their love could never be.

It saddened me to get to know of this, is love such a crime which requires death in order to be fulfilled? In order to be together?

They never moved on from where they were buried and what ties them down to the earthly plane is the hatred they have towards their families for not letting their love blossom.

Their love story was beautiful and sad in the end, we ought to be able to freely love whoever we want without discrimination or family feud.

I told them that they never committed any crime to fall in love, love is a beautiful thing and theirs was and could still be if they moved on. Being held down by hatred for their family would only keep them from moving on, and their families aren't with them anymore.

In that instant, they vanished and I'm glad they were able to forgive their families.


I'd like to invite @ngoenyi and @weasell to participate in this contest. I'm really looking forward to read what they come up with.

Note: 15% to @colombiaoriginal

Yours always

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Amigo me encanto tu relato, sabes por que, por que al leerla es como si fuera una continuación al mio, ya que en mi relato, una pareja que de jóvenes a los que sus familias les impedían estar juntas por problemas familiares, decidieron entrar al bosque y nunca mas salieron.

Si las lees, osea primero la mía y luego la tuya, seria como una unión fantástica de lo que paso después de mi relato.

Además de que también me encanto en la forma en que contaste el relato, como si hablaras de ti mismo a través de el, con ese don de hablar con muerto, un don que no quisiera para nada jajajaj.

Te felicito por tu escrito, muy original y fantástico.


Thanks for reading, was actually surprised that the story matched up. Yours being book 1 and mine being book 2, lol. I read and loved yours as well.