New Dynamics: A Power Up with Original Style -Week 43-

in hive-113376 •  10 months ago 
Hello Colombia-Original

Hello everyone! My name is @moyeon . How are you all . I wish you all to be great and happy 🌟
Today I am going to participate in this wonderful contest which is organized by honourable @colombiaoriginal .


Today we have semolina halwa. It is very tasty and it is made of semolina, that is why it is called semolina halwa.
Recipe for making halwa:
Put a bowl of semolina in a pan with desi ghee and then heat it on medium flame. Roast on film, when the semolina becomes light brown, then add a little more than half a bowl of sugar in it and then add a glass of water in it and turn the gas on high and cook the halwa on full flame. It takes about 30 minutes to 45 minutes make the semolina halwa.

After eating this sweet halwa, my mood has become very good and now I am going to power up.

Let's start

Step 1

First of all I went to my account wallet .


Step 2

Then I clicked on the Liquid Steam icon and my power off option started showing.


Step 3

Now I clicked on Powerup and the Convert to Steam Power page opened.

Step 4

Now I filled it with my steam amount I had to power up now and then clicked 0n Powerup .


Step 5

Then confirmed transfer, vesting page opened and I clicked OK and then entered my password .


Step 6

Completed my process .


Now my liquid steam was converted into steam power and with this my power up process was also completed. Now I am happy ☺ .

I hope you like my post .

Account summary

Club 100
Steems transfer to vesting : 1367.001
Normal transfer : 2 steems (returned as were transferred to me by mistake)

I invite : @lirvic @enamul17 @solaymann


India, November 10 ,2023

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  ·  10 months ago 

Hola @moyeon.

Me parece interesante eso de hacer un postre con semola, normalmente usamos la sémola para pasta, nunca la he probado en postres, seria interesante comerla.

Agradecemos que te hayas sumado a nuestra dinámica de encendidos.

Saludos, bendiciones.

Libre de Plagio✅
Libre de Bot✅


Te sugiero votar por @cotina como Witness, sino sabes cómo hacerlo, podrías revisar esta publicación:

  ·  10 months ago 

Actually this dessert is a traditional one. It is common dish made in every Indian homes on precious occasions. In my childhood, I visited one temple, and there I ate. I can't describe that taste. You won't get that taste anywhere in whole India. It's different and god knows how they make.
Thanks for reviewing my post @nahela.