𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 famosa 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
Greetings to all who are part of this famous community.
Supongo que debo iniciar de alguna manera…Veamos… Mmmm…
I guess I have to start somehow.... Let's see... Mmmm...
How did I discover the Steemit platform?
R: hace no mucho tiempo hice una querida amistad, Y esta me comentó de los beneficios de esta página con mucho entusiasmo. Debo admitir que al principio no le tenía mucha fe a lo que me comentó sobre Steemit , Pero al investigar sobre la plataforma entendí a lo que se refería. Al estudiarla a detalles gracias a algunos videos de Youtube, Descubrí lo única y practica que es Steemit para compartir el contenido.
Y eso fue lo que me trajo hasta aquí.
Así que me animó a unirme para obsequiar y compartir contenido de calidad que les puede encantar a las comunidades de habla hispana, Aunque claro, Por supuesto que también a los de habla inglesa.
Pero bueno, Hasta aquí termina esta breve introducción. Esta es una presentación.
Por lo que seguramente querrán saber de una vez quien la escribió.
Así que sin más dilación…
A: not long ago I made a dear friend, and she told me about the benefits of this site with much enthusiasm. I must admit that at first I did not have much faith in what he told me about Steemit, but when I researched about the platform I understood what he meant. When I studied it in detail thanks to some Youtube videos, I discovered how unique and practical Steemit is for sharing content. And that's what brought me here. So it encouraged me to join to give away and share quality content that Spanish-speaking communities can love, although of course, of course also to English-speaking ones. But well, this is the end of this brief introduction. This is a presentation. So you will surely want to know at once who wrote it. So without further ado...
¿Who am I?
![" " \" \" \\" \\"255091597_1017810458794152_8630592040325522800_n.jpg\\"\\"\"\"""](https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://images.hive.blog/DQmQyRkd2gtHXALo4QAjYhQm59TbBd8StS2GqsDM99wZJ4n/255091597_1017810458794152_8630592040325522800_n.jpg)
De momento, No soy nadie interesante. Planeo ser alguien, Por eso no puedo presentarme sin antes contar algunas cosas sobre quien fui.
At the moment, I'm nobody interesting. I plan to be somebody, so I can't introduce myself without first telling a few things about who I was.Dejando a un lado el incensario misterio, mi nombre es Juan Diego Rausseo Pérez y en este periodo de mi vida tengo 20 años de edad. Vivo actualmente en Venezuela, en el estado Guárico y tengo grandes ambiciones.
Leaving aside the mystery censer, my name is Juan Diego Rausseo Perez and in this period of my life I am 20 years old. I am currently in Venezuela, in the state of Guárico, and I have great ambitions.
![" " \" \" \\" \\"252343700_394191235772071_3614792594590579729_n.jpg\\"\\"\"\"""](https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://images.hive.blog/DQmV7gzZZeGuzGSXc8oxM6j61PjPjCyQe5ajq4kaKC8ntmi/252343700_394191235772071_3614792594590579729_n.jpg)
Me considero una persona muy neutral y bipolar bajo ciertas circunstancias, Soy alegre la mayoría del tiempo y otras veces soy muy... "Realista" Pero a pesar de ello me esfuerzo en ser amable con todos quienes me rodean (aunque el esfuerzo no sea recíproco), disfruto, aprecio y valoro los pequeños detalles de la vida al punto de reflexionar sobre los mismos. La mayoría de mis pocos conocidos dicen que soy muy "excéntrico" en cierto sentido que aún no comprendo, pero valoro quién soy aunque eso disguste a esas personas. He tenido muchos hobbies a lo largo de mi vida, Pero últimamente me he dedicado de lleno a la escritura de un libro. Unos detalles más, Soy universitario, actualmente trabajo en un supermercado y me gustaría que está plataforma se convierta en otra fuente de ingresos si no es mucho pedir. Durante los últimos meses he desarrollado mi habilidad de escritura y lectura al punto de sorprenderme a mi mismo, se podría decir que estoy disciplinado para ser creativo. Es algo que florece de mí por naturaleza, es como un talento. Después de mucha práctica poco a poco he ido mejorando y aún aprendo sobre la marcha.
I consider myself a very neutral and bipolar person under certain circumstances, I am cheerful most of the time and other times I am very... "Realistic". "Realistic" But in spite of that I make an effort to be kind to everyone around me (even if the effort is not reciprocated), I enjoy, appreciate and value the small details of life to the point of reflecting on them. Most of my few acquaintances say that I am very "eccentric" in a sense that I still don't understand, but I value who I am even if it upsets those people. I have had many hobbies throughout my life, But lately I have been fully dedicated to writing a book. A few more details, I am a college student, I currently work in a supermarket and I would like this platform to become another source of income if it is not too much to ask. Over the past few months I have developed my writing and reading skills to the point of surprising myself, you could say I am disciplined to be creative. It's something that just naturally blossoms out of me, it's like a talent. After a lot of practice I've been improving little by little and I'm still learning as I go along.Mi intención en esta página es la de compartir, Aprender y entretener. Mis objetivos en Steemit, Solo tengo 3, los cuales son:
◆ Dar a conocer mi trabajo al mundo. ◆ Compartir mis conocimientos y habilidades con todos ustedes. ◆ Tener una fuente de ingresos para ayudarme a seguir creando contenido, apoyar a mi familia y para comprar mucha pizza. Espero recibir su afectuosa bienvenida para dedicarme y seguir compartiendo con ustedes.
My intention on this page is to share, learn and entertain. My goals in Steemit what blog I only have 3, which are: ◆ To make my work known to the world. ◆ To share my knowledge and skills with all of you. ◆ To have a source of income to help me continue to create content, support my family and to buy lots of pizza. I look forward to receiving your warm welcome to dedicate myself and continue to share with you.
My purpose in Steemit
I once read a phrase that says that every good artist has a tortuous beginning to ensure inspiration and talent in their future, And of course, I am no exception.... I was born in Venezuela, in a socialist and Latin American country in the state of Guarico about 20 years ago. You could say that I started off on the wrong foot unintentionally, but being born in the least appropriate place is the perfect place for the beginning of my legend. The family I had to conform myself to is very dysfunctional as far as I can remember, but I don't want to bore anyone with my stormy childhood. So I will just summarize the important points. I was a victim of bullying for as long as I can remember, so I had a very difficult social life because I was an introverted child for almost 14 years. But not everything was as bad as described, I received a lot of support from my few friends and especially from family members. So now I am "Fine" I mention this because I faithfully believe in greatness in the little guys. (Although that's very ironic, since I'm about 6 feet tall now.) From a very young age I have longed to be recognized and appreciated for the value I believe I deserve as a unique individual, so I made efforts in various aspects of myself to better myself and become someone different than who I used to be.... But those old attempts didn't work.
Intenté ser dibujante, pero carecía del talento y las habilidades...
I tried to become a cartoonist, but I lacked the talent and the skills...Intenté ser basquetbolista, pero carecía de la fuerza de voluntad y las ganas para asistir a las prácticas. Y al cabo de una semana, le perdí el interés al deporte. (Ya que de por sí, no soy atleta nato).
I tried to become a basketball player, but I lacked the willpower and desire to attend practice. And after a week, I lost interest in the sport. (Since I am not a natural athlete, per se).Intenté mil métodos diferentes para darle una dirección relevante a mi vida, pero no encontraba lo que quería... En ese transcurso tan indeciso recibí mucho apoyo y aliento, pero no era el indicado.
I tried a thousand different methods to give a relevant direction to my life, but I couldn't find what I wanted.... In that indecisive course I received a lot of support and encouragement, but it wasn't the right one.Todos quienes me brindaron ánimos dejaron de hacerlo cuando más lo Necesitaba... Los días se volvieron oscuros cuando cumplí 15 años, Estaba a nada de convertirme en una persona común y corriente, hasta que de la nada vino a mi mente la idea que le trajo luz a mi vida.
All those who encouraged me stopped encouraging me when I needed it the most... The days became dark when I turned 15 years old, I was about to become an ordinary person, until out of nowhere came to my mind the idea that brought light to my life.
¿What idea?
One afternoon after another annoying school day an epiphany came into my head that made my soul stir with inspiration, an allusion that expanded within my being to create a unique story. It was as if fate had chosen me to direct my life to this simple idea. Before I knew it, my imagination was flying and formulating the story of an incredible world. Just like J.K. Rowling and George R. R. Martin, I have engraved in my mind a fantastic fictional world with characters so real that they are memorable to me, the more I focused my creativity on scheming this idea, I was devising and designing a world that no longer belonged to me? And to a certain extent that seemed ridiculous to me, I only thought of imaginary things that had no relevance in my life other than to make me wander, I did not see the sense of such an absurd purpose to have a thousand disadvantages against me... So, for a while, I just wandered around in that dream world while I tried to give another direction to my life. But not even studies or well-paying jobs could fill me with excitement. It took me a long time to realize the truth as I ignored it endlessly. I wondered what was wrong with me to feel so terrible about settling for being like everyone else.... Then I realized something important to make it about me.... For as long as I can remember, I always tried to be the same as everyone else even though I was so different; whether in taste, ethics or outlook, there was always something that set me apart from the rest. I longed to be a worker ant marching in perpetual alignment with no beginning or end. I waited anxiously for the approval of others....Al darme cuenta de esas cosas, de pronto volví a perder el interés en lo que hacía y recordé la última vez que me sentí vivo... Fue como otra epifanía dada por el destino para decirme claramente lo que debía hacer. Lo comprendí muy bien, por lo que rechacé las opiniones ajenas, rompí el estereotipo de vida plena y me salí de la fila no para encontrar un camino, Sino para dejar uno... Lo que creía fácil se volvió difícil, pero no me importaba o rendía, Ya que tengo una misión que cumplir. Comencé a escribir sin ninguna referencia o experiencia una serie de historias que te harán volar la cabeza, porque me motivé a convertirme en alguien al cual admirar al hacer lo que le gusta. Este solo es el comienzo de alguien que aspira ser un ídolo conocido. Te invito a seguirme para conocer mis planes y el origen de la leyenda del mejor mito. Ya que muchos podrán ser doctores o abogados, pero solo unos pocos pueden convertirse en aquello por lo que vale la pena vivir para luego morir en paz. Esta no solo es mi presentación, Es el comienzo de algo muy grande, Espero que estén bien atentos a lo que publicaré y compartiré con el mundo, porque se los juro, me lo van a agradecer. :) Esperen y disfruten con mucho gusto mi primera historia...
As I became aware of these things, I suddenly lost interest in what I was doing again and remembered the last time I felt alive.... It was like another epiphany given by destiny to tell me clearly what I should do. I understood it very well, so I rejected other people's opinions, broke the stereotype of a full life and stepped out of the line not to find a path, but to leave one.... What I thought was easy became difficult, but I didn't care or yield, Since I have a mission to accomplish. I started writing without any reference or experience a series of stories that will blow your mind, because I motivated myself to become someone to admire doing what I love. This is just the beginning of someone who aspires to be a known idol. I invite you to follow me to know my plans and the origin of the legend of the best myth. For many may be doctors or lawyers, but only a few can become what is worth living for and then die in peace. This is not only my presentation, it is the beginning of something very big, I hope you will be very attentive to what I will publish and share with the world, because I swear, you will thank me for it. :) Wait and enjoy with pleasure my first story...
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Coming soon...
Note: [All images shown are my property].
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Hola @neblomax
Realmente estás empezando mal aquí. Primero, esta plataforma es STEEMIT, no Hive, evidentemente eres nuevo, y desconoces cosas del pasado. Si vas a estar en hive también, cosas que puedes hacer, te recomiendo no cometer el error de mencionar a steemit allá, y aquí asegúrate de no mencionar a Hive, para que te evites malos ratos.
Debo silenciar esta publicación, te dejaré un enlace para que sepas lo que debes hacer, y o primero es una presentación, claro está, pero en la comunidad de recién llegados o New comer´s. Te dejaré un enlace para que te guíes:
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Gracias por la observación, Lo que ocurrió fue que copie y pegue mi presentación de Hive, No tome en cuenta que mencionaba la palabra "Hive" como 7 veces. (Error mio)
Te agradecería que me dejes mostrar mi publicación ya que arregle ese error. :)
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: