Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week1 : What is the value of life?

in hive-113376 •  2 years ago 

Greetings to all fellow Steemians!

Today, I am thrilled to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 1, hosted by Colombia-Original. The topic for this week's challenge is "What is the value of life?" - a deeply thought-provoking and controversial topic that has been debated for centuries. In this post, I will share my perspective on the value of life and my thoughts on the death penalty, which is a contentious issue that has been the subject of much debate and discussion. I believe that this is an important topic that warrants further exploration and reflection, and I am excited to share my insights with you all. So without further ado, let's get started!


What do you think about the death penalty, do you agree or disagree?

In my opinion, I agree with the death penalty and believe that it should be implemented in Pakistan. The reason for my support is that I think this action will serve as a deterrent for potential criminals and reduce the crime rate in our country. If people know that they could face the ultimate punishment for committing serious crimes such as murder or terrorism, they are more likely to think twice before engaging in such acts. Furthermore, I believe that the death penalty serves as a form of justice for the victims and their families. It is a way to ensure that the perpetrator pays for their crimes and is held accountable for their actions.


Is this type of penalty part of the law in your country? Do you think it should be implemented?

The death penalty is part of the law in Pakistan, and it is currently used for crimes such as murder, terrorism, and drug trafficking. However, there has been much debate around whether it should be expanded to include other crimes such as rape. In my opinion, I believe that the death penalty should be implemented for rape cases in Pakistan. Rape is a heinous crime that causes immense harm and trauma to the victim, and it is unfortunately all too common in our country. I believe that implementing the death penalty for rapists would serve as a strong deterrent and send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated in our society. Furthermore, it would provide a sense of justice for the victims and their families who have suffered so much at the hands of these perpetrators.

Do you know of any particular case of death penalty in your country or any other country?

In Pakistan, there have been several cases of the death penalty being imposed and carried out in recent years, but one case that stands out to me is that of Zainab Ansari. Zainab was a seven-year-old girl who was brutally raped and murdered in Kasur in 2018. The case caused widespread outrage and protests across the country, and the perpetrator, Imran Ali, was eventually arrested and convicted of the crime. Ali's trial was fast-tracked, and he was sentenced to death in a matter of months. While some criticized the speed and fairness of the trial, I believe that the swift and severe punishment was necessary to send a strong message that such crimes will not be tolerated in Pakistan. The case also highlights the urgent need for greater protection for children and vulnerable groups in our society.


overview of the post

In this post, I discussed my views on the death penalty and its role in reducing crime rates in Pakistan. I expressed my support for the death penalty and highlighted a particular case of Zainab Ansari, a seven-year-old girl who was brutally raped and murdered in Kasur in 2018. The perpetrator, Imran Ali, was sentenced to death in a matter of months. I argued that such swift and severe punishment was necessary to send a strong message that such crimes will not be tolerated in Pakistan, and that greater protection for children and vulnerable groups in our society is urgently needed. Overall, the issue of the death penalty is complex and multifaceted, and each culture has its respective position on it. However, in my opinion, the death penalty can be an effective deterrent for certain types of crimes and can help bring justice for victims and their families.

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You have provided their perspective on the value of life and their support for the death penalty in Pakistan, specifically for crimes such as murder, terrorism, and drug trafficking. They argue that the death penalty serves as a deterrent for potential criminals and provides justice for the victims and their families.

You believe that the death penalty should be implemented for rape cases in Pakistan. They argue that rape is a heinous crime that causes immense harm and trauma to the victim and that implementing the death penalty would serve as a strong deterrent and provide justice for the victims and their families.

You further highlighted a particular case of Zainab Ansari, a seven-year-old girl who was brutally raped and murdered in Kasur in 2018. The perpetrator was sentenced to death in a matter of months. The author argues that such swift and severe punishment was necessary to send a strong message that such crimes will not be tolerated in Pakistan and that greater protection for children and vulnerable groups in society is urgently needed.

Overall, you have presented a well-articulated argument for the death penalty in certain cases in Pakistan. However, it's essential to note that the death penalty is a contentious issue, and many people around the world have differing opinions on its effectiveness as a deterrent and its morality. It's important to consider all perspectives and engage in open and respectful discussions about the topic.

thank you sir..

I very much concur with your position on death penalty. Criminality shouldn't be treated with kid gloves. It should be meted with firm punishment to serve as deterrent to others and as well as succor to victim and family.
Best of luck

your right sir

There are some people who have their thoughts regarding this that there should be warning for the people first and too much strict punishment should not be done with them so I want to say to those people and I want to convey a message to those people who have such ideas.

I want to first clear this thing that if you will know do such things then you will not get the punishment and if you do these acts then you will definitely get the punishment and you have to answer able for this at the day of judgement as well as in this world.

So there is no need to be worry for the punishment that it is of which kind or how big it is it doesn't matter at all if you avoid these things for with the punishment is must. I hope that this is understandable for all of the people who are reading it that what I am saying.

At last I wish you best of luck and I am agree that you are not one of those people who are against the death penalty and you are with my point of view and your thinking about this is good.

thank you so much for your feedback


@nooruleman, Without a doubt, the death penalty is a highly controversial issue worldwide, there are people for and against it.

For my part I share your opinion there are people that the only way to pay for their crimes is with capital punishment.

Regarding the high rate of rape in Pakistan, the implementation of the death penalty would surely reduce the number of rapes and murders in your country in a very large way.

Although my opinion is that the person to whom this law applies must have been thoroughly investigated and have reliable evidence of the crime so that an innocent person is not punished.

In the case of the girl Zainab Ansari, it was necessary to execute that criminal as soon as possible.

Which had no forgiveness and up to here I leave my comment since it caused me a lot of indignation to know that news.

Thank you for giving your opinion on the value of life and capital punishment.

I say goodbye wishing you have a happy day.

thank you for your good wishing


Thank you for participating in our dynamic and expressing your point of view.

The rape of a human being is one of the most vile and horrible acts that can exist, because as you say, the victim is marked for life.

If the death penalty is already a real practice in your country and it is already applied, I believe that this sentence should be included for rapists.

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Fecha de verificación:05/03/2023

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yes thank you for your feedback