Live Events Now Require Vaccine Certificate in Colombia

in hive-113376 •  3 years ago  (edited)

The grim reality of COVID19 is starting to hit home in the Republic of Colombia as a new decree now requires event venues to require a vaccine passport. Let's review the details.

Bars, Restaurants, Events etc Now Require Vaccine Certificate in Colombia.jpg

In a November 3rd press release, President Ivan Duque by official decree (not law) wants venues to require at a minimum, the first jab, in order to participate. He stated in the document that he had been chatting for a month with the Ministry of Health (Minsterio de Salud y Proteccion Social), that he would make the announcement.

The long and short of this decree is that the beginning of the scheme, or the first shot, would be a requirement in order to enter any place which implies a "crowd" of people.

Examples given are bars, restaurants, gastro pubs, cinema, dance clubs, dance places, concerts, casinos, bingo matches, gambling, sports events, churches, theme parks, museums and fairs.

Essentially you must have the first shot to go do fun stuff, or to go to church.

These new measures are to be implemented as of people 18 and over on November 16th or this year. Then for children over 11 on November 30th, of next year (2022).

They are also taking into consideration requiring it for children on the 15th of December (of this year), for children over three or five years. This is in spite of the fact that there has been virtually no COVID morbidity in children since this entire journey began.

Keep in mind that this is NOT LAW, but decree - which means that regional governors can modify, or even refuse it.

As these royal decrees are being made in Colombia, keep in mind that in the rest of the world we are now starting to hear news like this:

Researchers in a peer-reviewed STUDY call for immediate withdrawal of use of COVID vaccines in women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or of childbearing age.

Meanwhile a LICENSED doctor states that Covid 19 injections will cause massive deaths.

But, on we can get the truth of it all by analyzing the meat of this - HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED OF COVID19 in Colombia?

Cacao Article.jpg

So we are still destroying our lives and businesses over something that has only killed 0.25% of the population.

And vaccines are not proving to prevent or even reduce COVID rates - yet everyone follows blindly.

You decide.

Meanwhile in Germany: Fully vaxxed passenger dies on a flight, tests positive for COVID19

Can we not all find unity, coexist, and make our own decisions? Really. There isn't enough science to prove that the vaccine (which obviously doesn't work) has anything to do with improving health, and everything to do with government control over our lives.

Even as I write this the mind controlled zombies will be sitting there shaking their heads and saying "you gotta take the jab man, so we all pull through this." Because that's what they have been fed every day on their Tell A Vision. But it isn't our vision, its someone else's.

Open Minded Traveler is a woman who believes in LIVE FREE OR DIE TRYING. She left the US during the Obama administration because opportunities were limited and there was no future in sight. Now, she dedicates herself to cultural journalism, photography, and living outside the government imposed system of slavery.

For more information on how to rescue your freedoms, and current events, check this video out:

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Hola amiga, la verdad es importante vacunarse, en algún momento comenzarán a solicitarlo en todos lados. De igual forma es necesario seguirse cuidando. Saludos y gracias por la información.

Ay no, estoy sin palabras. Incluso menciono que algunas iban a responder exactamente como tu. Lo siento mucho que crees eso.