Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 2): Create your original story | A blissful day

in hive-113376 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Cafe Terrace at night by Vincent van Gogh

A blissful day


As the chairs are emptying up, the people in the streets are getting fewer and the silence of the night is getting thicker I can only sigh in relief. It was another blissful day.

I suppose it was not a joyous day for everybody. In particular for table three. I could not help to notice the tears of the young lady who took her seat at this table for a morning cup of coffee. Tears of joy it was not as the coffee was left untouched. Did a love one passed away or was she missing a young man serving duty for his country?

Then there was the blind man who was helped to pour the milk into his cup but left to battle spreading his croissant. I could see the look of frustration on his face. How I wish I could shout for someone to help him. To tell the world to look around them and not just to live in their own space.

And tonight, still no change. As the table was filled by a family of four I noticed the blue marks on the boy’s arm. Not a single word from him the whole night. Who was to blame? The bully by the school? His dad? Or did he simply fell from his bicycle? I am sure it is far deeper than the latter. Pity I couldn’t see the face of the mom but I got the feeling that she was trying to hide it. I might be wrong…

Table fourteen was the highlight of my day! It was a joyful table. Big smiles on the face of the man who had his morning breakfast. I could see the joy on his face when he walked through the door and smelled the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee. He was for sure a businessman as he turned to the business section of his newspaper straight away, reading while sipping on his coffee. Was he ready to close the business deal of his life or was he happy about the upward trend of the stock market the previous day?

Not to mention the couple who got engaged tonight. I must admit, I could not help to wonder for who the bunch of red roses was which was delivered earlier in the day. Will I ever forget the surprise on her face when the man went down on his knees? No, never.

Oh yah and then there was the grandfather and grandmother who spoke to their grandchildren, telling them that they had booked their flights for their dream visit. Kisses thrown over the phone will soon be kisses on faces!

For me, it was a blissful day and I cannot wait to close my doors, go to rest and start all over again in the morning.

15% to @colombiaoriginal

My invite is extended;

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Un escrito muy singular.

Sin duda que tu historia nos enseña a mirar a nuestro alrededor, no de forma critica, a menos que sea para exaltar valores, pero si debemos de vez en cuando mirar más allá de lo que queremos y aprender un poco más de las personas.

Cuando andamos en la calle y vemos a niños alegrarse por recibir un pan de alguien que se detuvo un minuto a observarlos y notar que tenian hambre, es en ese momento donde reconocemos la felicidad en dos mundos distintos, el mundo de aquel niño que tal vez tenia horas sin comer y saber que algo llegaría a su estomago le daría felicidad y la de aquella persona, que decidió ser feliz al ofrecer alimento a aquel necesitado, esa persona también seria feliz.

Muchas facetas nos ha mostrado tu escrito sobre la vida, tan distinta que puede ser para cada quien, mientras unos ríen, otros lloran, otros se lamentan, algunos recuerdan, otros se alegran, algunos han perdido la fe y otros la han tenido de vuelta, hermoso si lo vez desde el alma.

Te felicito y te deseo suerte.

You have clearly understood the undertone of my story and that warms my heart. Thank you.
My mom taught us 3 things in life;

  1. Listen to others without them speaking a word
  2. Always say please and thank you
  3. Never expect to receive
    Three valuable lessons for life.
    Thank you for reading my post and your beautiful reply. You’ve made my story worth it.

very interesting story to read

Thank you! I trust you also discovered the story behind the story 😊

I couldn't but read till the end. I tag this story Deep thought. Thanks for sharing with us.

Thank you for reading! I’m sure cafe’s do gave a lot of stoies to tell 😊

That's the irony of life, each and everyone with their predicaments, which makes individual thinking differs.

Woow I most admit I have learned from your article.and I love your choice of words as well.

I suppose that is true about a fly on the wall. If only we could know what others have to say about us 😊
Thank you for reading!

You are always welcome ma'am

Wow! Interesting piece. I couldn't also help but be happy for the newly engaged and the grandparents for going on their dream trip while I feel sorry for the young lad who seems depressed.
Best wishes ma

We will never know what others hear.. see or think!
I suppose that is life.
Thank you reading and your great reply.

We stopped by to tell you that we have come to vote for your publication.🙂

Te invito a saber qué beneficios obtienes al Delegar SteemPower a @colombiaoriginal / I invite you to know what benefits you get when you delegate SteemPower to @colombiaoriginal
Sus beneficios al delegar SteemPower a Colombia-Original / Your benefits of delegating SteemPower to Colombia-Original

Thank you for your support! It is appreciated!

I like your story because it tells what a good viewer observes from their table, each person with a reality, some happy and others sad, but realities after all.

Plagiarism freeYES
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Beneficiary 15%YES

Awh thank you! There is always a story next to us, behind us or in front of us. Some sad and some happy.
Thank you for reading and commenting 🌼

Thanks for the invitation dearest.

This is a nice story that you have created.
The surprise engagement was the real deal.

We never have to look far to find a story my friend.
It is what we make with it what counts 🌼

Well thought from a great thinker, All this used to happen in a cafe, and truly you had a blissful haha. Thanks for sharing with us

Thanks my friend. There are always so much happening around us. We must just open our eyes 😊

You're absolutely right ma'am!

Hi @patjewell,

Life is always a two way lane:joy and pains.In the story some were in a moment of joy whilst some were in the opposite moment.The blind man was not in a happy moment also the lady who was in tears.

On the other side of the story,the business man happily sipping his coffee and the lady who was engaged.

That's the duality of life:some are happy,some are unhappy.

So true! Happiness and unhappiness! I suppose that is what makes life interesting.

@patjewell I agree with you.Ups and down; success and failure are the duality that makes life interesting.