Control your feelings

in hive-113376 •  3 years ago 

Get out of your life what you really don't need.

Let's imagine our mind as a glass of water with earth inside, this earth symbolizes two negative mental states such as anger, envy, lust and sadness; As with water, our minds are clouded by these feelings, preventing us from thinking clearly and making us feel unhappy and miserable. When we let the water rest without stirring, the sediments slowly settle to the bottom of the glass, making the water clear again, that is, if we do not expose ourselves to the sources of these feelings, we can enjoy a happy and serene state of mind.

But these feelings will always be in our minds and in the face of certain events they will wake up causing them to speed up again and take control over us, so we understand that either we must leave the water completely still or we must learn not to shake it when it moves.

The first case would mean locking yourself up at home to avoid any type of disturbance since any interaction with the outside is subject to the possibility of something happening that affects us negatively, this is impossible, in addition to the fact that disturbances can knock on your door and the second case It implies learning to let negative feelings fall asleep inside us, while we continue to live life normally.

And this is where true mental stability resides, so we are going to delve into why and how we must obtain this ability and for this we are going to use the famous Maslow pyramid; This American psychologist established a hierarchy of human needs through five divisions, understanding that once the lower level ones are satisfied, the human being tends to instinctively try to reach the higher level ones, in modern societies or developed countries the needs physiological security and affiliation are practically covered in their entirety, we do not worry about whether or not we will have food, a bed to sleep in, an environment that allows us to be safe or a friend or family member with whom we can talk and share our thoughts. opinions.

We take for granted that they are things that we will always have and we feel that they are elements over which we have control, but that we do not invest time or energy in worrying about them, it is from the fourth level where the new mental problems begin, since by not being able to cover some of the needs of the two higher levels, we tend to get frustrated more easily and perceive our life as meaningless and obviously this disturbs us, most people get stuck in the fourth level, since they feel that they cannot achieve success in their lives and that when they do something that they consider a step forward to achieve this success, they are not recognized for it and this is where the first problem that prevents us from enjoying a stable mind lies in the very definition of success.

When they tell us about a successful person, we imagine people with money, power and relevance in the social sphere, but success has never been related to stability, tranquility, self-control, in fact we see on the news that people to which we attribute this fictitious success, they usually end up with psychological problems, drug addiction or family fights over economic issues, things that are very far from bringing happiness, it is clear then that the things we attribute to this ostentatious success are triggers of making us feel miserable so we shouldn't look for mental stability in them.

In this sense, something very useful that we can do is to avoid exposing ourselves to this type of stimuli as much as possible, such as not watching certain television programs that use discussions and manipulation to create entertainment, unfollow certain people who demonstrate in their day to day that they have no moral values ​​and whose life is an example of harmful excesses or avoid relying on hate speech to cement our beliefs.

In the end, the human being is like a sponge and if we expose ourselves to this type of content without any control, we will end up incorporating ourselves and that will prevent us from feeling good, it is like the father who smokes in front of his son since he is child and in the end you are surprised that your child starts smoking, unfortunately this is something that is not taught and would prevent many of the problems we have today, we believe that the simple act of observing and listening to something will not have any influence on us and this is not so.

Once we understand that personal success depends on us and not on what others consider successful, we will be able to advance to the last level in which we will begin to worry, with a more open mind, about all the elements that will make you have a completely stable mind. , the morality of our actions, empathy with other people, the ability to accept what happens and use it to continue moving towards our goals instead of holding us back are capacities that a stable mind can dominate and that reciprocally endow greater stability to our mind.

Try to be aware of all this and the next time you are going to do something ask yourself if it is the right thing to do, if you are going to say something about someone consider how to affect the other person and if you fail in any task, think about how to use this experience to not fail again, in the end mental stability depends entirely on awareness, so the more aware you are of everything around you and the better you understand how to manage all the stimuli you receive within yourself, the better you will feel about yourself and you will realize that the solution to your problems is in you, not in the outside.

I hope my words and reflections are useful to you.

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Hello @rosauradels
Interesting reflection you have shared with us. Grateful for it.

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