Club5050 Steemit Engagement Challenge Week 4 || Share your Original Talent// Original boat building make talent // By @shohel44

in hive-113376 •  3 years ago 

Assalamu alikum

I am @shohel44 from 🇧🇩 Bangladesh

How is everyone I hope everyone is well by the grace of Allah Tayala. I'm fine too. Today I am Steemit Engagement Challenge Week 4 || Share your Original Talent // Original boat building make talent I made a boat in today's competition, and that's what I'll share in the competition. We hope you enjoy the competition. Then let's start

I make a lot of things And I share photography, diary games, art, art and many more I can make many more besides these I will build a few boats in this competition today, and I have made these boats out of paper I hope you enjoy building this boat. I have been planning to build a boat for a few days now. And I made this boat myself. I will share with you every step of building a boat I will make it easy for you to understand better. And congratulations to @steemitblog for giving everyone like me the opportunity to share their creativity. I hope you enjoy my competition


pixelab photo edit

Picture 1


I didn’t have a paper at first. And the paper is colored paper 7 The paper is not 10 cm / 6 cm And there are no folds in the paper If it is folded, it will not be good Then I fold the paper along 3 cm And you have to make the fold better

Picture 2


And then after I folded along, the four corners didn't match And let's see if it's a little torn somewhere.

Picture 3


Then again make another fold along 3 cm. And you have to give this fold as opposed to 6 And the paper will then be 1/2 cm

Picture 4


Then the paper will be 1/2 cm 2 folds And you have to fold it in one corner as shown in the picture

Picture 5


And the four corners of 2 lessons of 1/2 cm should be folded like this picture And the folds should be given carefully so that it does not tear at all

Picture 6


After folding the rectangle, you have to fold one more of this rectangular fold again And this fold will be a little longer Like this picture.

Picture 7


After re-folding on the four corners, it should be checked a little neatly, so that no side is slightly opened, or torn. These are more problems. Because if you fold again on the same fold 7

Picture 8


Then fold it from the bottom to the middle. And this fold will be 6 on both sides This fold should also be made beautiful.

Picture 9


And no more folds. If you have this far, then it is good And this last fold is very important. It has to be like this picture. If not, it will not happen

Picture 10


When you have finished folding, you will turn the folded paper upside down now Then there will be a frame of this kind of boat And now the boat is almost 6

Picture 11


Then I did not have a green paper And this paper is not 5/3 cm This paper will be called the top of the boat And the color of the boat will be one and the color of the top of the boat will be one

Picture 12


There is a little space on both sides of the boat Because 6 for calling on the boat And the green paper cut should be put together And no flour will be needed for this And now the boat looks like a real boat

Picture 13


And I've made 4 of these boats in a few colors And the boats look so beautiful. It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring

After completing so many steps, I finished building my boat. And the boats have been very beautiful I have all sorts of hidden talents, but there is no better place to share them And for that I wish the @colombia-original community and @steemitblog the best of luck. We are able to share our creativity through this competition.

And of course everyone will let me know in the comments how my participation was. And in such a beautiful competition, I am inviting some of my friends @masud9 @nasir04 @enamul17 @nacim-rana. I am especially requesting my friends to participate in the competition

original talentboat building make
camara useSamsung m 11

Thanks all steemit friends
By @shohel44

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Hola @shohel44,

Me agrada ver tu participación, fabricar un barco, no nos imaginamos de que material, pero ese quedó bastante bien, hecho en papel, excelente participación te deseo éxitos en el concurso, gracias por tu participación te deseo suerte.


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Thanks you sir

When I first read your title I thought you will be making a real boat of woods hahaha. Jokes aside it is a good talent, you can even make it your business and sell these boats to little kids in your town. Good luck

Thanks your best comment

Oh Jo!!! What a beautiful and colored boats made out of papers. The disadvantage is the impossibility to play with them at the water too much time. So, great one entry by the way. Good luck this week.

Thanks mam