Earthday - 5 easy steps to take care of planet earth (plus bonus) by @steemtopus

in hive-113376 •  3 years ago 


Our planet Earth is a beautiful place and we have so many things that help keep it functioning.

It’s possible that you feel like the environmental challenges facing our planet today seem so vast and impossible to solve that it’s easier to ignore them altogether.

But in reality, there are a lot of simple, everyday ways to help save the environment and improve air quality, water quality, and land management—none of which require any sort of sacrifice on your part or even require much extra time from you at all!

In fact, after reading this guide on how to care about planet earth in 5 easy steps, you may just find yourself feeling inspired to take even more steps toward making the world better for everyone!




Carbon is a greenhouse gas, which means it traps heat in our atmosphere. Its excess can lead to global warming and drastic climate change.

So how do you reduce your carbon footprint? The first step is tracking your current habits and understanding how they contribute to carbon output.

Take a look at what you eat, where you shop, and how much energy you use. Think of ways you could cut back without making drastic changes (you’ll want those later if it ever comes down to that).

You might find that you already have some things under control. If not, don’t worry—we’ve got solutions for all levels of environmental commitment ahead! Even if you just pick one thing to work on today, like changing out light bulbs or walking more often, there are immediate benefits.

And even small lifestyle changes can add up over time. So take a deep breath and relax: You’re doing good work!

We all know that one of the best ways to save money is to use less energy. But did you know that using less energy also helps save the planet?

Here are some tips on how you can use less energy and do your part to help take care of planet earth.

  • Use natural light as much as possible. Open up your blinds and let the sunshine in during the day instead of relying on artificial light.

  • When you do need to use artificial lighting, try LED bulbs. They use much less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and they last a lot longer too!

  • Unplug electronics when you’re not using them. Cell phone chargers, laptops, and other devices continue to suck up power even when they’re not in use, so make sure to unplug them when you’re done with them for the day.

  • Turn off the water when you’re not using it. This one is easy – just turn off the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth or doing the dishes instead of letting the water run continuously.

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle! One of the simplest ways to reduce.




It’s a sad fact that, according to our current rate of consumption, we will run out of Earth’s natural resources within two generations.

While we may have entered an age where recycling has become standard practice and sustainability is on-trend, there is still more that can be done.

By making small changes like reusing bottles or buying items secondhand, you can easily reduce your environmental footprint. Plus, by wasting less, you save more money! A good tip?

One of the best ways to take care of planet earth is to reduce your plastic usage. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as using reusable shopping bags, recycling plastic containers, and avoiding single-use plastics.

By reducing your plastic usage, you'll be helping to reduce the amount of pollution and waste on our planet.

Buy reusable water bottles for every member of your family – not only are they better for our environment but your wallet too! By carrying around reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones, you cut down on how many plastic bottles get wasted each year and avoid unnecessary costs at stores as well.





Knowledge is power, so don’t just rely on third-party sites for information.
Instead, get involved by researching topics on your own and sharing what you find. Even if you aren’t an expert, there’s value in letting people know that you care about a certain issue and are willing to make time to learn more.

While it may seem like a daunting task, there are plenty of ways you can educate yourself without making it feel like work—and it’s more important than ever before.

For example, when learning how important Earth Day is (April 22nd), consider finding out why Earth Day even exists: its history and significance, who started it and where they were coming from politically.

Then, once you have a basic understanding of these things, share them with others. It’s important to remember that being informed isn’t just about reading articles or watching videos; it’s also about talking with other people and spreading awareness.

If someone asks you what Earth Day is all about, tell them! And then ask them why they think it matters.

You never know where conversations will lead. What you do know is that increasing public awareness and knowledge helps spread actionable ideas.

When we talk about climate change, air pollution, animal conservation or renewable energy—all topics covered by The Conversation Project's What Matters Most platform—we plant seeds of action.

After all, we can only truly save our planet if we come together as one human race and work toward protecting it.

By getting involved in global issues such as climate change through education and conversation, you can contribute to bettering our world while empowering yourself along the way.

We all have to do our part to take care of the planet, and that means making some changes in our daily lives. Here are some things you can do to encourage others to take better care of the Earth:

  • Lead by example. Be conscious of your impact on the environment and try to make positive changes in your own life. Others will be more likely to follow your lead if they see you making an effort.

  • Spread the word. Talk to your friends and family about the importance of taking care of the Earth. The more people who are aware of the issue, the more likely they are to make changes in their own lives as well.

  • Get involved in your community. There are probably already organizations in your area working to improve the environment. Getting involved with them is a great way to make a difference and meet like-minded people.

  • Support businesses that are green. Show your support for businesses that are working to be more environmentally friendly. This sends a message that there is a demand for these types of products and services, and it will help encourage other businesses to go green as well.

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In today's day and age, it's more important than ever to take care of our planet. One way we can do our part is by recycling.

You can recycle everything from paper and plastic to metal and glass. It may seem like a lot of work, but it's actually pretty easy to get started. And the benefits are worth it! Not only will you be helping to reduce pollution and conserve resources, but you'll also be saving money in the long run.

Recycling helps slow down that flow of waste and reduces landfilling. It's a simple thing you can do today, but it has huge environmental benefits.

Consider composting as well if you have room for a compost bin or are near one of your city’s drop-off sites. Composting uses organic material (food scraps) to create a natural fertilizer for your garden or lawn, which also cuts back on garbage going into landfills.

A few other ways to reduce your impact on our environment include reducing water usage by using low-flow showerheads and toilets, turning off lights when they aren't needed, carpooling with coworkers or friends whenever possible, and recycling electronic equipment like computers and cell phones.

Your local government website should have information about what types of materials are accepted at recycling centres in your area.

Of course, recycling is just one way to help take care of our planet. But it's a great place to start! So next time you're about to throw something away, think about whether or not you can recycle it. Chances are, you can!





If you’re trying to limit your impact on the environment, it can be tempting to buy all eco-friendly products—and many companies make them look really cool.

But before you go out and replace all of your belongings with bamboo toothbrushes and biodegradable water bottles, consider how long these products will actually last.

Biodegradable items will decompose quickly—but if they won’t, they'll end up in a landfill where they can still cause environmental harm.

So even though buying eco-friendly goods is better than buying ordinary ones, think about how long you expect your items to last before buying them.

For example, if you want to buy a reusable water bottle, do some research first so that you know which brands are likely to stand up over time.

Also keep in mind that when you recycle or reuse an item, you're not just saving yourself money; you're also helping reduce your carbon footprint.

That's because every time we throw something away, we use more energy and materials (including carbon dioxide) to produce another one like it. In other words: Every action counts!







The current food system is one of the leading causes of climate change, pollution, and deforestation. But we can each make a difference by choosing more sustainable foods. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Try to eat locally and in season as much as possible. Not only is this better for the environment (less transportation of food), but it also supports local farmers.
  • When buying meat, choose products with the least impact. This means opting for grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and wild-caught fish. These meats have a smaller carbon footprint than their conventional counterparts.
  • Reducing your meat intake is one of the best things you can do for the planet. Consider having meat-free meals a few times a week. There are plenty of delicious plant-based options out there!
  • Waste less food by planning your meals and only buying what you need. Composting your food scraps is also a great way to reduce waste.

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Earth is a beautifully unique and amazingly complex world of life, but it doesn’t take much to wreak havoc on our planet.

The pollution we produce causes health risks, damages buildings and infrastructure, and destroys our natural environment. We can all be part of the solution by taking individual action to protect our planet.

By following these five simple tips, you can make a big difference when it comes to caring for planet earth. It might seem like an impossible task—but it isn’t.

Small changes can add up to a big impact. For example, using public transportation instead of driving your car helps reduce air pollution that harms plants and animals.

Choosing energy-efficient appliances at home means less greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere. Taking responsibility for our own actions can go a long way toward preserving the earth’s beauty.

We need to take care of planet Earth because it is our home and it is the only planet we have. We need to protect the environment and preserve the Earth’s resources for future generations.

15% to @colombiaoriginal

I invite @sikan-eyen and @swaylee to this challenge.

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Wow, I am marvelled at the quality and time you put in to make this post. I was going to drop my entry tomorrow but it certainly looks like my chances of beating this post are low. I learnt alot from reading this post and I have also being trying my best to reduce my carbon footprint and eating sustainable foods. I wish others would follow the advice you have given in this post so the earth would be a place more habitable for us

Yess we ought to reduce our carbon foot print vas this is good for the environment

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much for your participation, the reflection you make on these 5 points is interesting, as well as the options you give us to do so.

You have made me reflect on the food I eat, I have not stopped to think that this could affect the planet.

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club5050 ✅

I have just powered up some steem. Please check again and rectify accordingly. I have made a lot effort writing this posts. I hope that recognise my hard work here. Thank you and good work.

Saving the world (Earth) is just the same as saving humanity.
We need a very good and hygenic environment to have a healthy live.

I have taken note of your steps to protect the planet Earth, and I will try my best to put them into practice. 😊

Thanks for creating the awareness.


What are quality write up, well explained and very easy to assimilate. I most recommend you because it's not easy to come out with such educative point, I really learned alot from this article. I have learned how to reduce my carbon footprint, and how to take care of my planet in whole...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us...

I am glad you learnt a lot reading my post. I have made a lot of research so that i can feed minds with educative and high-quality contents. Thank you for being here.

Global warming is a serious issues and a national emergency and only by reducing our carbon foot print would we be able to solve this treatm

We must work really hard to to see that this is done as fast as possible

Nicely penned out ,it is very important that all of us should take it as a personal responsibility to care for our planet.

Wow this is a great post I amazed. Our environment is an extension of our being, if we lose it we lose ourselves as well.