Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 1: What is the value of life

in hive-113376 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Every Life has value and should not be wasted like it means nothing.

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What do you think about the death penalty, do you agree or disagree? Explain why?

Personally, I don't accept the death penalty because even the criminal wouldn't feel any remorse for their crime because they will conclude that why not continue with their crimes that in the end, they will still die for it. I presume that a prison should be a chance for rehabilitation for certain people.

Recently, I took interest in watching crime shows on YouTube and my favorite is the Coffee Crime House. It is a channel that profiles serial killers and unsolved crimes all over the world.

Some cases gave me goosebumps all over my body. At this point, I agreed that some criminals deserve the death penalty. Some criminals are hardened with no atom of remorse for the people they've killed. If arrested without the health penalty, they will later in the future, apply for parole which if granted will enter back into the city to finish the crime they have started.

Is this type of penalty part of the law in your country? Do you think it should be implemented?

Yes, there is a death penalty in my country. Any case relating to kidnapping, multiple murders, or terrorism. Aside from that, my country exercises what is called jungle justice, which is taking the law into their hands to execute justice the way they deem fit, and the thieves are usually stoned and beaten to death or covered with tyres and burnt to death.

This jungle justice usually happens when a thief is found. Sometimes, we may feel justified that such a person deserves to burn to death, especially if it is a known criminal who has terrorized the area for a long time. Many times, when jungle justice is carried out, the victims are innocent.

There was a painful story of the Aluu 4, the killing of four innocent young university boys who were accused of stealing some goods and were not even allowed to speak for themselves. The accuser later found the stolen goods, after the boys had been killed.

Do you know of any particular case of the death penalty in your country or any other country? Can you share it?

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There was a time kidnapping and robbery were an everyday thing around my cousin's area in Aba. The residents held their hearts in terror over what will happen, they didn't know when or who it will happen to. People had shops and restaurants in the area closed on time so that they will not have a face-to-face with the robbers, while some would open their businesses the next day to see that they have been robbed.

One day they came for their usual robbery routine but unfortunately for them, residents together with the police were ready for them. Everyone was jubilant when they finally caught the robbers. The three of them were sentenced to the death penalty for all the crimes and heartbreaks they have caused the residents.


Everyone's life is important. People are quick to suggest the death penalty to people until it becomes someone close to them. The death penalty is not the safest choice to choose to execute a criminal but when it is someone who has no conscience of the numerous crimes that they have committed, they should be put to death.

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Hi friend,
You've written so well. Death penalty has its own good and bad sides. If not handled well could be abused. However, it is the beat way to meet maximum punishment to heinous crimes.
Good luck with your entry.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. If the criminal has been found and proven guilty of a horrible crime, then death penalty should be given.