Steemit Engagement Challenge (week 2): Create your original story by @zeewanee

in hive-113376 •  2 years ago 


So this story is a work of fiction & is follows a romantic tone. So the story surrounds a boy named ZUHAIB & the story has a girl main character named ZOYA & there am I who plays the role of listener & ZUHAIB his narrating the story. Let the story roll. Lets begin

So I was just passing through the subway & girl just appeared in front of me.

I was startled to see her so soulful yet comforting face, it was unusual. Everything around me was frozen yet was racing to a million miles. There was this sudden shame that dragged me, pushing me back away.But my sight towards her was devouring her in fierce. Her features were perfectly appealing, her eyes had this purity to them, so was her skin. But the way she was staring at me was holding me back. I wanted to look away. But I was glue behind my place. I was in a position where I had to look defiantly at her, even cry to her, for whatever reason. I had to be in front of her. So I could feel a little of her effect over me, just even a little would be good enough. She quit looking at me and passed, leaving me behind. I took a step and she had vanished away.

She appeared from nowhere & within a few seconds disappointed into the thin air. But those felt like a million years. I was just lost in her fierce blue eyes, those glossy pink lips shining brighter than the sun, that skin on her face as smooth as a rollercoaster ride,those hair of her's as dark as midnight. She was not a usual everyday girl that you might see walking on the street,she was someone who was from the heaven's.

I need to who she was, where from she was, you know what! I think I fell in love with her from the moment I saw her. Nah! I didn't believed in love at first sight,but now I do. Oh! Its already 4:00pm I am late for my tution classes, so I picked up my bag & ran towards the tution class. I opened the door & the first person I saw was her. She was sitting on 2nd last bench next to where I use to sit. The whole class was gazing at me & I was busy staring at her. I don't know how long I was staring her. I wanted the time to stop & incase you wonder yes I can stare her for an eternity. I was staring at her & a voice disturbed the whole scene. It was Mr. Micheal (the teacher) he said if you are done staring can we resume the class. Oh! I am sorry sir can I come in. Yes you can he replied. As I was approaching my chair,I suddenly started to realise the ground is shaking I took a look & to my surprise it wasn't the ground it was my legs that were shaking to death. Somehow I managed to reach my chair & as I sat my heart was beating so fast that I thought it would pump out of my chest. I never felt like this before ZUHAIB said to himself. Now the class proceeds further & the class ends in no time. That day was the only day when I felt time was flying at a great speed while studying,trust me I still don't know what we studied that day.

Hello I am ZUHAIB, she said & I am ZOYA,I am new to the class. Oh! ZOYA what a beautiful name it is, the name is as beautiful as her. Then we started to walk towards the bus that would carry us home. I asked so where do you live, she replied I live in Friends enclave at my uncle's apartment, oh! Friends enclave that 5 minute walking distance from my home I live in DOWN TOWN street & as we hopped into the bus, so unfortunate for me the bus had only one seat left, so I said her to sit. She sat & I slowly dropped my bag on her lap. As she sensed it she took the bag & hugged the bag into her arms. I need the same hug he said to hi As within a few seconds I reached my destination & I took the bag from her lap & she waved a bye. I got off the bus & I started thinking how things were going exactly where I wanted them to go. There is a problem with people like ZUHAIB. Its a mental disorder, in which if things go right the person starts to feel its a trap. She was blown to the overthinking zone. No I don't think she is playing around, but why was laughing when I got off the bus. This thought hitted so hard, the ZUHAIB felt the pain in his head. No I wont overthink this, he said to himself & got on with his daily schedule.

For the next few days they met at the tution & started getting closer untill the 7th day when ZUHAIB finally expressed his feelings to her, he said I am deeply in love with you,I don't feel like I am me anymore. My life has became like its all about you. ZOYA left in confusion & didn't uttered a single word out of her mouth. ZUHAIB who was left in so much confusion. He started to overthink the same thing again & again. Now when the next day arrived he went to the tution, zoya had already reached & to his surprise zoya had changed the seat she was sitting on the 1st bench, ZUHAIB started cursing himself for what he has done. Now as the days passed ZUHAIB's condition was getting worse, he started having these sleepless nights. Those very dark circles around the eyes was a proof that he is having a very bad time. There was something that ZOYA wasn't telling him. Zoya also wasn't doing good without ZUHAIB but there was something that was holding her back. As days passed they were not talking with each other. ZUHAIB's conditions were worsening day by day. ZUHAIB started having hallucinations of ZOYA. He used to sit on his chair & started talking to thin air. ZOYA who was unaware of the fact had already moved on. ZUHAIB who was now on a bed rest, his whole family surrounding him, trying to make him comfortable. ZUHAIB fell asleep & in his dream he saw ZOYA, this time she started talking to ZUHAIB normally like nothing ever happened. They talked for a while & ZOYA asked ZUHAIB to close his eyes as she has a surprise for him. He closes his eyes & waits for the surprise to unleash,suddenly the whole family started screaming & crying. The whole was asking to open his eyes but the love of his life asked to close. He was listening to the screams but didn't opened his eyes because he was waiting for ZOYA to say now you can open your eyes, but unfortunately the day never came.

I would also like to invite @aasifwani & @amirbhat to perform the task

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Hola @zeewanee, gusto en saludarte y leer tú participación. Haz creado una linda historia donde las emociones y la fantasía de ese chico le jugó una mala pasada porque creyó que zoya sentía lo mismo por él, lo cual no era así. Tanto fué la obsesión de zuhaib que lo llevo al sueño eterno.

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Surely i will keep all this in mind

It sent chills to my body
May that day come . She can't just leave the love of her life like that

Well she did.....
Lets just pretend that he is having a good time

it was literally great , more often we dont have to pace up things ,take it slow ,as love demands ease