With regard to perfume shopping and various items lying inside the shop.

in hive-113437 •  4 years ago  (edited)

I greet all the friends and brothers of this community with great politeness and love. I will tell you brothers about my buying and selling today, what I bought from the market today. Let me start with the fact that I woke up early in the morning. I went to the mosque and there I offered Fajr prayers and after that I kept reciting the Qur'an for some time. Then I came home and drank a glass of water. Sitting at home for a while.
After that I asked my family after a while if breakfast was ready. My family started saying that breakfast was not ready yet. Have breakfast here for a while and then have breakfast. I stayed there for a while then I grabbed the towel and went to the bathroom. When I finished taking a shower, I changed my clothes. When I changed my clothes, my family called out that breakfast was ready.
So I sat down and my family made breakfast and gave it to me. I had breakfast. Then I grabbed my bike and headed to work. I remembered when I got to work. Today I have to go to the right turn. Then I grabbed my bike and got some dry oil from the gas station. Then I headed for the right turn. When I reached the right turn, I went there and went to the perfume shop. I greeted him and then I said to him, "Brother John, give me a perfume."
He replied, "Brother John, tell me, I will give you perfume." I called her Rose Scent, she made me Rose Rose. Let me tell you - it was a wonderful, sweet scent. Once you apply it, the whole day will feel like you just applied it. As you all know it is the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: When you go to the mosque, smell it and go. I would like to request you, brothers, that when you go to the house of Allah, the Lord of the worlds, you should wear clean clothes and put on a pillow. I kept looking at his shop again. Inside the shop was a variety of perfumes. People used to go far and wide to buy like this. So when I have to buy perfume, I go to the right place.
Then I looked in her second closet. This closet was full of the most accurate books of Islam. One of the books I really liked was the one that was going to teach women. The shopkeeper asked how much the book cost. He replied that this is what the whole setup looks like. These books will get you stars a hundred rupees. So I said let me take pictures of these books and then I will come there and buy these books from you. Because you brothers know that women are suffering from ignorance.
Then I looked ahead and saw a perfume imported from abroad. It was the most expensive but its fragrance was very sweet. Whoever buys it once would like to buy it again. So I bought a perfume from her too. Beyond that I read different books and saw which books were in very large numbers. In the closet you could find all kinds of books. Anyone who was a teaching student would come to this shop. He would buy the book he needed. The special thing about this shop is that they offer these books at a lower rate than the market.
Then I looked a little further and there were handkerchiefs lying there. I had some big and some small. Also it had different types of handkerchiefs which were in different colors. So people used to buy handkerchiefs from this shop to protect themselves from the sun. These handkerchiefs were also sold at a lower price than the market. Then I saw a bit of hats lying there. There were also Sindhi hats in the hats. Which most Punjabis like. It was also lying very beautiful of different colors. People used to buy hats from this shop for prayers.
So I went a little further and there I saw a toothbrush. These equation packets were imported from abroad. The special thing about this toothbrush. This toothbrush does not spoil quickly. You can apply this toothbrush to your teeth at any time. Because you brothers know that using the toothbrush is the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He once said that if my ummah did not have any difficulty. So I would make it obligatory for my ummah to do miswak at every prayer. I would like to ask your brothers to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Then I looked ahead and saw honey lying in bottles there. It also had a very large number of lucky passes. It was pure and fragrant honey. Anyone in need would come to the shop and buy honey. Then I grabbed my bike and then I headed back to my house. When I got home, I showed my family that I had brought perfume today. So my family started saying that applying perfume is the Sunnah of your prayer. Whenever you go to the house of the Lord of the Worlds, do it by smelling.

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Mashallah the Delhi game you have posted is very good, you have worked very hard in it and have put a lot of photos.You have written very well its owner, you have worked very hard

These are used a lot in our country and are being used. These things are being used a lot in our area.