Living in a Better World

in hive-113437 •  3 years ago 

Respected reader

Please receive our warmest greetings, wishing everyone in your home good health. We are the bearers of positive and hopeful news and wish to share it with you and your family.

We are very happy to inform you that "We will soon live in a Better World". This expression implies the existence of a world that is not good and the one we are living in will be replaced because it does not at all meet the conditions that God had intended for us human beings.

In the new world of the Almighty, everyone will respect his authority, human society will worship the true God in a united way. That the Bible declares, for in the book of Psalms in its chapter 86 verse 9, it reads:
"All the nations which thou hast formed shall come and bow down to thee, O LORD, and give glory to thy name." (Psalm 86: 9)

Now, what changes will happen on earth to make way for that promised new world?


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