Peter Schiff finally throws in the towel and admits he was wrong about Bitcoin

in hive-113437 •  3 years ago 

I never thought I'd see the day...

Long time bitcoin basher Peter Schiff finally did something today that no one thought he ever would.

He admitted he was wrong.

He's been a major critic of bitcoin and crypto for many years now, finding any way to twist any positive news into a negative one.

As you can imagine it's been a long uphill battle for Peter, but that hasn't stopped him, until today.

He posted this a little bit ago:



Finally! Peter Schiff has thrown in the towel and turned from his bashing ways! Right?!

Well, not so fast...

Look at the date of this tweet...

Anything stand out to you about this tweet?!

It should...

It's April 1st today, which is also known as April Fool's Day.

Which means...

This is very likely a joke tweet and Peter didn't really change his ways. He just pulled an April Fool's Joke and will admit as much shortly, if he hasn't already.

Old dogs never really learn new tricks, Peter is the perfect example of this.

No matter what bitcoin does, he will never flip to bullish.

He was bearish at $1k and is bearish at $60k, can't imagine $100k or $200k BTC will be any different...

Either way, pretty good joke by him, what's your best April Fool's Joke for today?

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There are two types of people when it comes to crypto. Those who believe in it. And those who will. Plus, I'm not too interested in what Peter says (joke aside, haha). What he does is much more telling. And since we can't peer into Peter's financial accounts to see if he has put money to work in crypto or bitcoin (directly or indirectly), I guess we will never know.

Haha I like that!

We know his kid is heavy into bitcoin, which is sort of diversification for him I guess.

I did not know that. I would say so too (diversification).

As all lamestream messengers push, they say whatever it takes to maintain the scheme...but the fact is the foundation of the system, the linguistics involved, and the ones behind the scenes that created the systems in the first place are the real masters of the slaves using it.

Well said.

Very nice post dear...

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hi @jondoe

You have come to our Has Community and posted, I am thankful for this and in our community you told about crypto currency.
Today is April Fool's Day and I am looking forward to bitcoin from my honor
I think bitcoin will go a lot further as a rocket and it has chances to go much further with this and the current.

Yep, I'm thinking it goes over $100k by July of this year.

Yes you are thinking right and i guess it is the same

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hello @jondone Had a good day. Welcom to this community. I am very appreciate to see you here . please continue here and stay with us.
From what I know about Bitcoin, I can say that there are two types of cryptocurrencies. Those who believe in it. And those who will. What he does is not to say much more. And since we can't see if Peter has money in his financial accounts to operate crypto or bitcoin (directly or indirectly), I guess surely don't know.

@jondoe is amazing, I like this, if it is a person who is guilty, one day his mistake will be exposed, as you say, he admits his mistake,

I like schiff but i respect him more for admitting he was wrong.

Hahahahaha interesting

I see your post and your post is very good and you work very honestly and you are working very hard and you are very good..

Yor post is very good

very nice post Your intelligent

Very nice your post is very good.And I hope you appreciate me.

Ol Petey, he never learns.

April Fools joke for sure.

Eventually he may convert, but probably not.