A Goodbye To Sun-Damaged Steem

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago 


Sandal On The Beach

(To the tune of “Candle In The Wind”)

Goodbye Justin Sun
Though I never wanted to know
You proved you are a narcisist
Who wants to be the show
You crawled out of a soft fork
And went apeshit over naught
Because character, is something you ain’t got.

And it seems to me, you lost this one
Like a sandal on the beach
Never knowing what you were doing
You don’t like free speech

And I would have liked to have known you
If you weren’t such a jerk
Cooler heads than you have, Justin
Could have made this work


A Goodbye To Sun-Damaged Steem


This is, for all intents and purposes, my final post on the compromised, hostilely overtaken and now damaged steem blockchain, (damaged by jerk Justin of course), and a chance to say that all of my future posts will be found on HIVE.

While I do feel a bit like I may be letting down some of the good folks who want to continue on steem, and in the fight to get it back; to them, I just want to say that I’m sorry, but I simply cannot take any more of Justin Sun and his awful antics, and I need to move on, now that we have the path to do just that.

If I thought there was even the slightest chance that we could evict the brash, childish and untruthful new figurehead from our midst, or that a compromise with him could convince him to keep his grubby fingers off of everything, and we could get him to stop trying to be our dictator, I would continue the fight to help the cause of trying to save steem.

I see no hope of any of these things happening however, and I don’t have the time or energy to waste on this guy any longer. I know that Justin Sun will never compromise and go with decentralization. It’s against his corrupt, mixed-up “principles,” IMO, and I personally want to end my short and shitty relationship with Justin Sun for good, ASAP.

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I realize there are those who want to fight on, and if I thought there was even the tiniest prospect that we could arrive at a fair deal with Justin, I would stay on with you, but I sincerely believe in my heart that any further attempts to compromise with Justin will just continue to end up the same way all attempts so far have.

They say that trying to do the same things that don’t work, over and over, defines insanity. Watching Justin Sun and/or his “spokesmen” just take us for fools, doing the same damned things over and over, is not only insane, it’s insulting, and it provides him with more time to perfectly illustrate his dishonest nature by continuing to collude with dirty exchanges that choose to aid him in attacking us.

The exchanges that seem to be “helping” him by colluding with him to hijack governance, should face some kind of legal penalty for their actions. They have allegedly CONSPIRED with him against the steem community, and are using hostage steem community members’ money to do it. There must be SOME law of which they could be charged for breaking.

If there is, the guilty exchanges should be sued for their part in this debacle, but that would take lots of money, which is another reason I think the best thing to do is to just leave Justin an empty steem. He doesn’t deserve to have steemians’ quality content produced on “his” place. Screw him.

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I feel certain that trying to compromise with Justin will never turn into anything beneficial to anyone besides Justin and his “business.” I feel he will never give in on anything; one, because of his ego, and also due to his wealth and his dictatorial philosophy. He craves power.

For those who plan to continue trying to deal with Justin, or continue the war and try to oust Justin, I wish you well. I wish I could see a path forward where things could be reconciled and we could all be one big family, but I’ve dealt with people like Justin before.

I feel the only thing we’ll ever get from Justin is trouble. This whole thing with his hostile takeover should turn into a social indictment of his lack of fairness and moral values, and his love of doing whatever dirty business is necessary to get what his narcissistic, entitled self wants.

In my opinion, he’s not a nice guy, and he’s not an honest guy, and that is how I personally view Justin Sun. He’s an immovable shyster, a snake oil salesman and a fraud; again, my opinion. He is a waste of time and he should be left to play on his little playground by himself or with any of his TRON lackeys that want to join him.

I just want to be rid of him, his name and his steemit, as I associate all of that now with someone who is a massive waste of time, and a drainer of positive energy. He made his bed, let him lie in it. Good riddance.

HIVE on!

A Goodbye To Sun-Damaged Steem © free-reign 2020


Thanks for reading!


Sources for images used in this post:

Sandal On Beach: Image by gagnonm1993 from Pixabay


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