Who Feeds the Children? (Fiction)

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago 

Who Feeds the Children?


“Another seventy five cents… that’s five dollars and thirty seven cents I’ve found so far this morning.” Sandy eyed the three coins in his hand, which he’d just recovered from the sand. Will Sanderson is his real name, but he’s been known as Sandy since childhood.

He comes out to the beach early each morning to look for coins lost by beachgoers the day before. Several others do the same thing and they can be observed with their metal detectors, methodically going over every inch of beach in search of lost coins.

Sandy has an advantage over all of them. He doesn’t need a metal detector, for he has one naturally built-in the middle toe of his right foot. It’s very accurate and can even reveal to Sandy the shape and depth of a piece of buried metal. He’s not sure how or why he’s been equipped in this way, but he’s not complaining.

He’s much faster detecting metal than those using the detectors.

Most of the treasure seekers are older folks, giving Sandy even more advantage. He’s not doing this to win a contest however, popularity or otherwise, and he’s not trying to beat the seniors to the loot. Some of them depend somewhat on what they find each day with their detectors; it helps some of them with their expenses in retirement.

Once Sandy’s collected what he considers a fair share for the day, he drives to the East Side food kitchen and hands the money he’s collected that morning to the director of the kitchen, Jane Neilson. He’s collected twenty three dollars and change. He always triples the amount collected out of his own pocket, so today, he’s handing over ninety three dollars and fifty six cents to the kitchen.

You might be curious as to exactly how Sandy finds buried coins with his toe. Well, no one really knows the whys and the hows for his toe being so sensitive to metal that he can use it in the way that he does. Sandy just thinks it’s a gift he’s been given; a blessing from God, or the universe… or whatever.

You might have gotten the idea that Sandy must be a wealthy guy, living near the beach, tripling the amount he’s collected to give to the food kitchen, and not trying to beat-out everyone else at the beach searching for coins.

The truth is, he isn’t rich. Not rich in fiat currency at least. But in heart, he has more than he can spend.

Whenever Sandy is walking, if there’s metal beneath him, his toe will feel anything from a ticklish feeling, all the way to high-frequency vibrations for something close, or something that’s buried deeper but with great mass. He “detects” metal, its size and depth, the instant his foot is above it. If he feels it’s something valuable, he digs it up with his shovel.

Collecting coins isn’t all that Sandy does to help the homeless and the hungry among us. Sandy has regularly rallied for the homeless and hungry, and in September, 2019, he convinced the owner and CEO of the “Inclusive Foods” organic market chain, popular across the United States, to begin holding a weekly “Sunday Brunch for the Hungry” at each location, Sunday afternoons. It’s free and everyone is invited.

In a May, 2019 news interview for a local affiliate network, it was revealed that Sandy had first become concerned with the hungry when he’d served in Iraq and other Middle East hotspots

It’s rumored that actor/director Clint Eastwood has been looking at a manuscript for a possible film he may direct, which would cover Sandy’s life story and his outreach work for the homeless and hungry.

Whatever is in Sandy’s future, in the interview he assures that he will continue to speak with business owners and CEOs, and try to convince them to get in on the initiative, regardless of anything else they may consider doing at some later time. Sandy has a new book out; “Are You Full Yet?” He says the book explains his vision in a way that anyone can understand.

Pick up a copy of Sandy’s book today and get involved with helping the less fortunate by following Sandy’s ideas and methods for helping the homeless and the hungry.

Who Feeds the Children? © free-reign 2020


Sources for images used in this post:

Hungry Child: Image by billy cedeno from Pixabay
Older Man Searching: Image by Patricia Alexandre from Pixabay
Helping Hand: Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Coins: Image From Pixabay


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If only we had more Sandy's in the world. Food is a good thing to share!

Having people like Sandy in government office would certainly be better than those we have who are in politics strictly to get rich. But it would probably be tough even for a guy like Sandy to stay non-corrupt in that theatre. Thanks for reading!

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upvoted and resteemed!

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What a lovely story @free-reign, we need more Sandys in this old world of ours!

Thank you @lizelle, and thank you for coming by to read my post! :)

I can imagine to be the closing story on the news. That feel-good one that is designed to make you not question why he even has to do that.

When I found the cover pic for this post, it upped my need for the feel-good factor. I want to cry when I look at that little girl in filthy surroundings and eating something that doesn't look very nourishing. I can't help but think about how many there are like her around the world.

Howdy sir free-reign! Wow this is an amazing story and it's very believable. I'm sure there are many people like Sandy out there in real life. I hope. lol.

Thanks for reading Jonboy! I'm sure there are lots of folks like Sandy as you suggest. I think the world would be noticeably worse if there were no good Samaritans around doing their thing, helping others in need.

That's a great point sir free-reign. I think at least half of the people out there do lots of good works and help others. Maybe that's an overly optimistic view though. lol.

Thanks @free-reign for sharing this. Our children are the single most group in need of our care and protection. I have a charity I give to regular, it's called FEED THE CHILDREN. I was going to prepare a post about this organization once I get permission to use their logo.

I'm familiar with that charity. They've been around quite some time. I'll be watching for your post on them!

Kids are so innocent, and it breaks my heart when any child has to go without the basic necessities they need to be healthy and grow. Thanks for your comment and for reading my post!