Some images and quotes to bring some humor to this pandemic

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago 


I’m starting to understand the toilet paper anxiety. Every time I sneeze, 25 people shit their pants.

@wwwiebe- Now that's a Toilet Paper, @jerrytsuseer , that would be HIGH on my list of shopping items!

I really DID just get back from the grocery store (true story) it was nowhere nearly as crazy as the news has led us to think

Does this SURPRISE anyone?

All I REALLY needed was milk and yogurt.
I have enough that I could have eaten for at least a week at the rate I consume food these days, (before I went today that is)
Never, EVER go shopping for food when you're hungry.
I wasn't hungry when I left, but all I've had so far today was one grapefruit.
oddly (and I did NOT look at the toilet paper aisle 😈.......)


the shelves that I found most barren were the canned goods.
↑↑Original Meme↑↑

If I am having large party at my house, would it be rude to ask people to BYOTP???
This bunch of craziness has been brought to you by:
original meme↑↑


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Who knew that in the End Times, it would come to this.

I think Maslow needs to re-think his Hierarchy of Needs to reflect the priorities of the Millennial Generation.

Either that or we have to expand what we mean by "self-actualization."


Yeah, that duct tape TP is pretty awesome. That's for those times when that 'hangar' just... won't... come... off...

Better that than

OMG, that's Justin Sun with his head up his ass!😂

ha ha ha... I hadn't thought of that(BUTT, you're right)

I found another photo of you @wwwiebe!ha ha ha

You're a nut, @jerrytsuseer. These are hilarious!

😁 I've been told that before @jayna. In truth, in retrospect, I was afraid too many people would be offended or find the subject in poor taste, considering the seriousness of our current dilemma.
I am glad you were not offended! Thanks

Hahaha, thanks for this hilarious post... you're the man, man!

I was concerned (as an afterthought) that some would find it in poor taste, considering the seriousness of the world situation @mondoshawan, but I'm glad at least 3 of my friends found it nothing more than funny.

The whole situation all over the world makes me laugh for years already... if it wouldn't I would have lost my mind for long. hehe

Well yes, there is that. Laughter is almost always the one thing that keeps us sane.

When I had a gerbil, I used to give it toilet paper seeds. I would make mazes and it was surprisingly good at figuring those out. I still wonder why I ever had a gerbil.

ha ha ha... how funny @abitcoinskeptic. Gerbils would not be my idea of a PET, but in the end, any contact with another living thing, in a positive, caring relationship, is a very good thing. It allows you to get outside yourself.
Would you have made a maze out of toilet paper seeds otherwise? 🤪

Maybe if I had a rat or a hamster, but I don't really like those at all. Rodents are weird pets.

Snakes are even weirder imo. At least Rodents are warm and fuzzy.
While in the Air Force, my Roomie and I bought two pythons, one W African Ball python and a Beautiful Burmese, (not at the same time, because they both died; after the second one we quit)
We had an empty aquarium to keep the smaller Burmese in, and we'd buy small white rats to feed it.
We charged 25¢ admission for our Dorm mates to come and watch when we'd feed them ha ha

It's good to keep our sense of humor alive and well! By the way, I posted a second memoir excerpt, if you are interested. Since I have never figured Discord out, this is the only way I have of letting you know.

Ha ha ha... okay then. Discord isn't that hard, but I'll check this out.

I'm uploading a bunch of photos of my flowers right now @scribblingramma