I Never Met a Christmas Card I Didn't Like

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago 

Image by freestocks.org from Pexels

I never met a Christmas card I didn't like. Why? Because I knew I had an addiction. My family knew I had an addiction. My friends knew I had an addiction. And I couldn't help it. They were just too beautiful, those Christmas cards staring back at me in the specialty stores imploring me to take them home. And I did. Every time.

Some had glitter. Some had lovely tunes. Some had flashy ribbons and bows. Some had snowflakes attached, and some had openings to hold money. And the foil Christmas wrap, too irresistable also to pass up.

That was my thinking for over 20 years. And I accumulated that many years worth of Christmas cards, all boxed and neatly stacked. One side wall of my storage shed is dedicated to holding them.

I would take time to categorize my cards by color, size and similar message. No one person I choose to send a Christmas card ever received the same card as another. I'm not 100% sure of this though. Each person received a hand-written note. I felt it added a personal touch to let that person know I had been thinking about them. Below is just a small sample of my cards .
20191217_134340  Edited.jpg
Also, each year, I donated Christmas cards to needy families. Others I would take to my family reunion to share. Still others, I'd donate to charity.

I did all this before I knew or considered recycling. Little did I realize I was only creating more harm to the environment by trashing the hundreds of cards I didn't want to keep.

It was actually one of my family members who brought the issue of recycling holiday cards to my attention. After that conversation, we began researching where to purchase recycled cards and wrapping paper. She also informed me that my old holiday cards could be placed into the regular recycle bins for paper products, unless they contained foil or glitter.

I then successfully recycled half of my Christmas cards.

I started fresh 2 years ago. I can't control what holiday cards are sent to me, so I just examine them carefully to see if they are recyclable. Also I casually mention to others I see while out shopping for holiday cards and paper that it's better for the environment to utilize recycled cards and any other type greeting cards.

Next, to help with my share of praticing sustinability, I now only purchase recycled Christmas cards and wrapping paper. No more glitter and glam for me. The two of us are also trying to teach other family members how to be more eco-friendly. We now purchase items in bulk and give as Christmas gifts so others can utilize them the next year. I wrapped my items this year with the paper below.

One family member stated that the recycled cards and paper didn't look as nice as the regular ones. I must admit, it is true. But I told them that what's inside the package and the thought behind the giving is what matters. And you can make any gift look nice with a bit of time and effort. Now, I'm researching embellishments to find more local outlets. I told them if you start early, especially after the holidays locating sales, you can find the eco-friendly accessories.

The retailers I now use to purchase recycled holiday cards and accessories are The Gift Wrap Company and Hobby Lobby.

So if you're not utilizing recycled holiday cards, wrapping paper, and other items, then start doing so. You'll avoid waste and help the environment.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.

a) JustClickin logo created at CoolText.Com
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) Separator Lines Free ClipArt Belt from Public Domain Vectors & ShadedLine from ClipArt-Library
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.






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Same here !

that's a cool thing to do!

Hi @tobetado. Thanks for visiting my post. Appreciate your understanding of my problem and my willingness to see the error in my ways to let it go and do something positive that will hopefully make a difference as far as sustainability.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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awesome exposure for my post. so glad it was chosen to be of quality. appreciate it.

And a Merry Christmas from Newfoundland, Canada.


Same to you Bradley. Safe travels if you will be visiting family and friends. I hope you have enjoyed your time with Steem Terminal group. I knew you would like them. Good luck with the Redfish Rally. Hoping you win because you are a hard worker.

That was beautiful Chris, stay awesome and Merry Christmas.

Thank you @flaxz. Appreciate your support and encouragement. Happy holidays to you and your family. Safe travels if you will be on the roads this season. Seems like the weather is just making its presence known all over.
