My Steem Story – By @libertycrypto27 (ENG/ITA)

in hive-114105 •  5 years ago  (edited)

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A Power House Creatives Initiative

Power House Creatives _night mode.png

Everyone has a story – and all our stories have something in common… we all started from nothing and knew nothing. People want to hear stories. They want to hear OUR stories — they want to know who we are, where we are from, what we are doing, who and what we love, what we have learnt and where we are going. People also want us to hear their story! Being a part of the Steem network is an individual journey for every single one of us and through this initiative we will share our stories not only with all who are already here – hopefully inspiring, guiding and informing them… but doing the same for everyone else in the world too. Through our stories we will prick the curiosity of those who have not yet arrived and illuminate and widen the already open doors to our one in a million blockchain.

We invite and encourage each and every one of you to participate and share your stories too! You can find the "how to" details at the end of this post.

My Steem Story - BY @libertycrypto27 (ENG)

bannerPezzoDiCielo copia.jpg

Where my Steem Journey began

My adventure on Steem started a little less than a year ago, today it is exactly 352 days that I arrived on Steem.
I discovered Steem after purchasing and taking a course on cryptocurrencies.
The course was focused on profit and consequently my first posts were all Actifit reports and posts on DrugWars: posts that were simple to write and that required little effort.
Then over time things changed and my approach to Steem changed.

My consideration on Steem changed when I discovered with pleasure that on Steem the prevailing hatred and widespread in other traditional and "centralized" social networks is almost totally absent.

I read with pleasure beautiful poems, I was moved by reading poignant posts, I learned new notions by reading useful guides and tutorials.

Over time, I completely fell in love with Steem.

My initial challenges & how I overcame them

At the beginning it was quite hard, I remember my first "serious" post in which I had worked hard in writing.
Between markdown and writing it took me about three hours to complete the post: a review on the film Dumbo.

I had 5 upvotes and 0.00 rewards.

I was a little demoralized but I didn't lose heart.

So I read many guides, I read many posts and I commented on many posts, I followed groups and communities and things have gradually grown.
In almost a year of Steem I have written 449 posts, on average more than one a day, and now I am happy to have built relationships and friendships, even if virtual, solid and constructive with fantastic people.

My Steem blockchain knowledge

At the beginning I had a fairly "nuanced" knowledge of the meaning of blockchain.

In addition to the famous Bitcoin I didn't know much.

Today I know many things and I understand the philosophy and the principle of freedom that governs the blockchain: the greatest IT revolution in recent years.

The blockchain is the peaceful and ingenious rebellion against the selfish principle of concentration of power typical of "centralized" realities around the world.

Token, SMT, Vests, SteemPower, STEEM, json ... I have learned many things and many terms in this year of Steem but I am only at the beginning and I still have a lot to learn.***

My Steem favorites

I have many interests and the topics of my posts are varied: family, life, photography, travel, feelings, food, movies, games.

I also like to write small tutorials to help people understand the mechanisms of Steem-engine and the various tokens and some Dapps and Front ends.

I like to read the posts of the authors I follow: stories, novels, life experiences, poems, tutorials on technology topics ...

I mainly use two front ends that I feel very comfortable with: eSteem and Steempeak

My golden nugget advice

My advice for anyone new to Steem is to interact with people as much as possible.

Comment, comment and comment on the posts you like

I prefer to receive a nice comment of appreciation to my post than a generous upvote.

At least the same amount of time you spend writing, spend it reading and commenting on the posts that you like or that are useful to you or that make you excited.

Actively participate in communities and groups that share your same interests.

Sharing one's passion with others makes everything more beautiful.

My Steem hood & its peeps

The first community in which I took part and to which I owe a lot is @steempostitalia.
I have received a lot of advice and I have received a lot of support.

Shortly after I joined Steem I met a great Steem promoter: @fedesox
An expert and lover of everything related to blockchains even if his heart really beats only for Steem.
@fedesox supported me from the beginning and I owe a lot to him too.
He has just created his own "Whale Oil" community.

The communities and discord groups that I frequent are as many as my interests.
I enjoy playing @splinterlands and I love to participate in contests and I also like writing posts / tutorials to help new players.
I like good food and therefore I love writing restaurant reviews on @tasteem.
I like to share my steps and physical activity on @actifit
I occasionally post photos using @appics
I follow the beautiful @qurator community and take part in the contests with pleasure.
I follow many other beautiful and stimulating communities: @travelfeed @ocd @ @ discovery-it @ntopaz @steemleo @neoxian @creativecoin

I follow many people here on Steem and every day I meet new and fantastic people.

This is my first post that I write for the Powerhousecreative community and I am happy to have participated because this contest gave me the opportunity to interact and get to know a new and beautiful community that I didn't know before.

The people I invite are just some of the people I follow and they are the people I think can enjoy taking part in this beautiful contest: @mad-runner @robibasa @elikast @tinamarr @claudio83 @vittoriozuccala @stefano.massari @teo93 @blumela @garlet @poliwalt10

Obviously the invitation to participate is extended to all and the instructions can be found at the end of the post :)

My Steem Story - BY @libertycrypto27 (ITA)

bannerPezzoDiCielo copia.jpg

Quando è iniziato il mio viaggio su Steem

La mia avventura su Steem è iniziata poco meno di un anno fa, ad oggi sono esattamente 352 giorni che sono approdato su Steem.
Ho conosciuto Steem dopo aver acquistato e seguito un corso sulle cryptomonete.
Il corso era improntato molto sul profitto e di conseguenza i miei primi post sono stati tutti report di Actifit e post su DrugWars: post semplici da scrivere e che richiedevano poco impegno.
Poi con il passare del tempo le cose sono cambiate ed è cambiato il mio approccio a Steem.

Ho scoperto con piacere che su Steem l'odio imperante e diffuso negli altri social network tradizionali e "centralizzati" è quasi totalmente assente.
Ho letto con piacere poesie bellissime, mi sono commosso leggendo post struggenti, ho imparato nuove nozioni leggendo utili guide e tutorial.
Con il passare del tempo mi sono completamente innamorato di Steem.

Le mie sfide iniziali e come le ho superate

All'inizio è stata abbastanza dura, ricordo il mio primo post "serio" in cui mi ero impegnato molto nella scrittura.
Tra markdown e scrittura ho impiegato circa tre ore per completare il post: una recensione sul film Dumbo.

Ho avuto 5 upvote e 0.00 di rewards.

Poi ho incominciato a documentarmi, ho letto tante guide, ho letto tanti post e ho commentato tanti post, ho seguito gruppi e comunità e le cose sono andate via via crescendo.
In quasi un anno di Steem ho scritto 449 post, in media più di uno al giorno, e adesso sono felice di aver costruito, anche se virtuali, relazioni e amicizie solide e costruttive.

La mia conoscenza della blockchain di Steem

All'inizio avevo una conoscenza abbastanza "sfumata" del significato di blockchain.
Oggi conosco tante cose e ho capito la filosofia e il principio di libertà che governa la blockchain: la più grande rivoluzione informatica degli ultimi anni.
La blockchain è la ribellione pacifica e ingegnosa all'egoistico principio di concentrazione del potere tipico delle realtà "centralizzate" di tutto il mondo.
Token, SMT, Vests, SteemPower, STEEM, json...ho imparato tante cose e tanti termini in quest'anno di Steem ma sono solo all'inizio e ho ancora tanto da imparare.

I miei preferiti di Steem

Ho tanti interessi e gli argomenti dei miei post sono vari: famiglia, vita, fotografia, viaggi, sentimenti, cibo, film, giochi.
Mi piace anche scrivere dei piccoli tutorial per aiutare le persone a capire i meccanismi di Steem-engine e i vari token e di alcune Dapp e Front ends.

Mi piace leggere i post degli autori che seguo: racconti, romanzi, esperienze di vita, poesie, tutorial su argomenti di tecnologia...

Uso principalmente due front ends con cui mi trovo molto bene: eSteem e Steempeak

Il mio consiglo migliore

Il mio consiglio per chi è nuovo su Steem è di interagire con le persone il più possibile.

Commenta, commenta e commenta i post che ti piacciono

Io preferisco ricevere un bel commento di apprezzamento ad un mio post che un generoso upvote.
Passa lo stesso tempo che impieghi a scrivere a leggere e commentare i post che ti piacciono o che ti sono utili o che ti fanno emozionare.

Partecipa attivamente alle comunità e gruppi che condividono i tuoi stessi interessi.

Condividere una propria passione con gli altri rende tutto più bello.

Le mie Comunità e le Persone che seguo

La prima comunità a cui ho preso parte e a cui devo molto è @steempostitalia.
Ho ricevuto tanti consigli e ho ricevuto e ricevo tanto supporto.
Poco dopo il mio ingresso in Steem ho conosciuto un grande promotore di Steem: @fedesox
Ha appena creato una sua comunità "Olio di Balena". Un esperto e amante di tutto quello che riguarda le blockchains anche se il suo cuore batte veramente solo per Steem.
@fedesox mi ha supportato fin dall'inizio e devo molto anche a lui.

Le comunità e i gruppi discord che frequento sono molti come i miei interessi.
Mi diverto a giocare a @splinterlands e mi piace partecipare ai contest e mi piace anche scrivere post/tutorial per aiutare i nuovi giocatori.
Mi piace il buon cibo e di conseguenza mi piace scrivere recensioni di ristoranti su @tasteem .
Mi piace condividere i miei passi e la mia attività fisica su @actifit
Ogni tanto posto foto utilizzando @appics
Seguo la bella comunità di @qurator e partecipo con piacere ai contest.
Seguo tante altre belle e stimolanti comunità: @travelfeed @ocd @discovery-it @ntopaz @steemleo @neoxian @creativecoin

Seguo tante persone qui su Steem e ogni giorno conosco persone nuove e fantastiche.

Questo è il mio primo post che scrivo per la comunità di Powerhousecreative e sono contento di aver partecipato perchè questo contest mi ha dato l'occasione di interagire e iniziare a conoscere una nuova e bella comunità che non conoscevo prima di adesso.

Le persone che invito sono solo alcune delle persone che seguo e che penso possano avere piacere a partecipare a questo bellissimo contest: @mad-runner @robibasa @elikast @tinamarr @claudio83 @vittoriozuccala @stefano.massari @teo93 @blumela @garlet @poliwalt10

Ovviamente l'invito a partecipare è esteso a tutti e le istruzioni le trovate alla fine del post :)



  1. Create a post titled: “My Steem Story – By

  2. The first three tags in order are to be as follows:

  3. ONLY make use of the cover image provided in this post.

  4. Keep the same formatting and placement (intro, footer
    instructions etc.)

  5. Replace the personal photo with one of your own.

  6. Tag 5 people to join in on the initiative.

  7. Share your post to twitter.

  8. Share your twitter link and Steem post link in the comments of @jaynie’s “Steem Story” post.


Write a post which shares and gives adequate response to the following headings:

Where my Steem Journey began
(How you first discovered Steem and your very first thoughts and impressions “as you landed”.)

My initial challenges & how I overcame them
(Share a bit about the difficulties you faced at the beginning, whether it was navigation, post creation, engagement – whatever – how you resolved them and how differently you feel about it now)

My Steem blockchain knowledge
(Give a little bit of background on your blockchain knowledge when you began your Steem journey versus now.)

My Steem favourites
(What are the things you do mostly on the blockchain – is it blogging, vlogging? What front ends do you like to make use of and what content genre’s do you generally focus on?)

My golden nugget advice
(What advice would you offer to those that are unfamiliar or new to this space)

My Steem hood & its peeps
(Share a little about the communities you belong to, discord servers you frequent and perhaps a handful of the awesome people you follow)

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Grazie per la menzione e per le istruzioni! Ci penserò!
Il tuo, è sempre un ottimo lavoro!

!giphy smile

Grazie @elikas è un bel contest e ti consiglio di farlo ;)

Congratulations @elikast, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 0.04498538 TRDO & @elikast will get 0.02999025 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Hey @elikast, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea Lucky you @elikast here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

You just received DERANGED @elikast Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

Concordo in pieno sullo sconforto dello 0.00 nei primi post e sulla necessità di dover studiare davvero davvero tanto prima di poter vedere risultati.
É proprio questo il motivo, secondo me, per il quale Steemit rimarrà per lungo tempo non main stream.
Infine una considerazione sui commenti: concordo in pieno; meglio un commento di un upvote!

Grazie del commento sempre gradito @vittoriozuccala
Si sono d'accordo con te le reward sui primi post sono il primo vero grande scoglio sul quale molti si arenano...

Hey @vittoriozuccala, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea Lucky you @vittoriozuccala here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

You need more DERANGED (5 DERANGED is needed to send 1 DERANGED a day)

Ciao y grazie per la mentione tua steemstory
Ok back to english
Great to see you joined #powerhousecreatives initiative and made a blog. And indeed the best way is engage and interact I did the same but its also fun.. I dont know @ fedesox but gonna look him up.
Have a great weekend

Thank you very much for yuor comment
Have a beautiful weekend

You need more DERANGED (5 DERANGED is needed to send 1 DERANGED a day)

Hey @brittandjosie, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Grazie per il nuovo stimolo. Vedremo cosa si potrà fare.

Ho già inoltrato il modulo con la mia richiesta di aver a disposione giornate di 48 ore molti mesi fa. Sono purtroppo ancora in attesa della risposta che spero esser positiva: maledetta burocrazia :D

Mi sa @garlet che ci siamo rivolti allo stesso istituto...anche io aspetto da tempo la risposta alla richiesta di avere 4 domeniche in più ma ancora nessuna risposta :D

You need more DERANGED (5 DERANGED is needed to send 1 DERANGED a day)

Hey @garlet, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Ciao, Thank you for joining our #mysteemstory challenge @libertycrypto27, congratulations.


Posted using Partiko Android

@wonderwop Thanks to you for creating a beautiful contest :)

Congratulations @wonderwop, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 0.00145800 TRDO & @wonderwop will get 0.00097200 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Hey @wonderwop, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @wonderwop Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

Stima per Liberty! Oggi sono riuscito a fare il post per partecipare al contest settimanale di Spliterlands, vorrei però ritagliarmi altro tempo per partecipare anche a questo. Stai diventando un drago di STEEM e STEEMIT.

Grazie @stefano.massari e bravo, tutto sta ad iniziare ;)
I contest sono importanti e cercherò sempre di avvisare te e gli altri quando sono contest interessanti.

Hey @stefano.massari, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea Lucky you @stefano.massari here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

You just received DERANGED @stefano.massari Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

marlians Lucky you @libertycrypto27 someone just gifted you Marlians, view all your tokens at

Hey @libertycrypto27, here is a little bit of BEER from @elikast for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

grazie della menzione @libertycrypto27.. stasera con calmaa mi traduco le istruzioni! e ben fatto... a volte sei demoralizzante, fai cose cosi fatte bene che mi viene da pensare "ma cosa voglio fare io?" :) :) arrivo anch'io con i miei tempi ma arrivo anch'io 💪

!giphy smile

Figurati è un piacere @blumela
I contest sono importanti per crescere e far aumentare il proprio SP.
Prendi in seria considerazione di partecipare ;)

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Hey @blumela, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea Lucky you @blumela here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

You just received DERANGED @blumela Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

You just received DERANGED @beerlover Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Sorry, you need more marlians in order to use this service.

This post is shared on twitter
My tweet:

Thank you for supporting @CatsMakeKittens by being a part of our community @libertycrypto27.

Each CATS you purchase gets you daily upvotes from me @CatScientist as our community grows so do your rewards for being a member!

@tipu curate

A huge hug from @amico! 🤗


Congratulations @amico, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 0.26456625 TRDO & @amico will get 0.17637750 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Yes, we upvoted and resteemed to thousand followers.. Thanks to approve @puncakbukit as witness and curator.

Congratulations @libertycrypto27! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You got more than 6000 replies. Your next target is to reach 6250 replies.

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

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You just received DERANGED @libertycrypto27 Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

You need to stake more BEER (6 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

"Sharing one's passion with others makes everything more beautiful" Excellent advice.
Shine your steps.Thanks for educating.
Happy life forever.

Thank you very much for your comment @mariita52 :)

Thank you!
All gifts are greatly appreciated ...

Hey @mariita52, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Many thanks.

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Congratulations @libertycrypto27, your post successfully recieved 0.31100963 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:

@amico earned : 0.1763775 TRDO curation
@elikast earned : 0.02999025 TRDO curation
@wonderwop earned : 0.000972 TRDO curation

To view or trade TRDO go to
Join TRDO Discord Channel or Join TRDO Web Site

Many thanks.


I had 5 upvotes and 0.00 rewards.
I was a little demoralized but I didn't lose heart.

Yip... we have ALL been there :D

I prefer to receive a nice comment of appreciation to my post than a generous upvote.

So nice to read things like this!

Thank you for joining in on this initiative and for your fantastic contribution.


Thank you very much @jaynie for your comment and for your nice initiative.
I'm really glad you liked my post :)

My pleasure :) And thank you for such a generous response :)


Hey @jaynie, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you @libertycrypto27 :)

You just received DERANGED @jaynie Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at

Thank you @libertyrypto27 :)

coffeea Lucky you @jaynie here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

I prefer to receive a nice comment of appreciation to my post than a generous upvote.

Well said, to meet people and get to know who they are is through constant communication, showing appreciation of content.

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your feelings on entering blockchain, have a wonderful weekend @libertycrypto27


Thank you very much @joanstewart for your comment :)
I'm glad you liked my post :)

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

🎁 Hi @libertycrypto27! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @joanstewart!

@joanstewart wrote lately about: Sign Post Warnings Feel free to follow @joanstewart if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.